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Would an employee’s signed release protect us against reference liability?


Q. What can we do to protect our company from being sued by former employees when we give references? Should we require that the prospective employer provide us with a release or consent from the former employee? …

15 Questions to Ask Employees in Their First 60 Days

A good employee who seemed happy quit after just three months. His supervisor never saw it coming. What happened? That unexpected turnover might have been avoided if the boss had checked in to uncover any potential problems. Here are 15 questions supervisors or HR should ask all new employees in their first 60 days on the job.

Essential Topics in Employee Handbooks


HR Law 101: Your employee handbook should include statements on these topics: a welcoming letter from the CEO, rules and procedures, your employment policies, compensation and benefits, safety and health rules, an affirmative action statement and an acknowledgment receipt form …

Set—And enforce—Text messaging and paging privacy policy

Public employers may have to revise their cell phone, e-mail and text messaging policies in light of a recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision. If you handle HR for a government agency, make sure you have a strong privacy policy that spells out your right to read text messages transmitted over employer-paid services …

New hands-Free phone law carries employer risk

California’s hands-free cell phone legislation went into effect on July 1. Employers that don’t yet have a policy addressing driving while using a cell phone should create one now. Here’s why: If an employee is involved in an accident while breaking the law—by driving and using a cell phone without a hands-free device—the employer may be liable for any damages …

Should we limit political talk at work?


Q. With the upcoming presidential election, our employees have spent more time talking politics and debating candidates and their positions. Do we have an obligation to limit or prevent such conversations in the workplace? …

Are employee assistance programs required?


Q. I understand that many companies offer employee assistance programs (EAPs) as an added benefit for employees who may have drug or alcohol abuse problems. Are we required by law to do so? …

Recoup training costs, but beware doing so with last paycheck

Employers can and should get applicants and employees to agree to pay back training costs if they depart before the company gets fair value. But collecting the money can be tricky. You can’t, for example, withhold the money out of a final paycheck if that move takes the employee’s hourly wage below the minimum allowed by law …

Must you pay hourly staff for BlackBerry time?

The answer isn’t clear, as ABC News recently learned. The media company said nonexempt writers wouldn’t be paid for those minutes spent checking their office-issued BlackBerry devices after regular work hours. But their union objected …

Retaining Old Org Charts: Why … and for How Long?


Memories fade and employees come and go. That’s why it’s crucial for HR to keep certain records for future reference. Among these records are organizational charts showing who had supervisory and other authority over other employees. Why? Lawsuits over lost promotions or firings can take years before they actually go to trial …