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The latest ADA disability-rights claim: I’m allergic to the Internet!


The ADA requires employers to accommodate the disabilities of their employees and customers. We thought we’d heard about every kind of potential disability—until this one …

Governor proposes health care overhaul for state workers

Gov. Tim Pawlenty recently released a set of proposals designed to make the state’s health care system “market-driven, patient-centered and quality-focused.” Pawlenty said the plan will “lead the nation in the development of portable personal health records and expanded consumer-directed health care spending accounts for state employees.” …

Issues to consider before monitoring e-mail


Q. If we suspect an employee is violating a company policy prohibiting harassment, can we monitor the employee’s e-mails? …

HR Must Referee Employees’ McCain-Obama Debates: Know the Law

John McCain and Barack Obama aren’t the only people embroiled in political debates this fall. So are some of your employees. And their water-cooler conversations may turn especially heated in the next few weeks. How HR handles political speech may spell the difference between workplace civility and civil war.

Take action to prevent customers from harassing employees

Employees are entitled to work in a harassment-free environment—and that includes more than freedom from harassment by supervisors and co-workers. Employers also have to take reasonable steps to protect workers from harassment by customers, clients and others over which the employer has some control …

You can’t ignore—or excuse—Offensive cultural symbols

There’s no excuse for ignorance when it comes to racially hostile symbols and speech in the workplace. Employers that ignore harassing co-workers—hiding their heads in the sand or relying solely on handbooks that tell employees how to complain—may be setting themselves up for a losing lawsuit …

Restaurant makes good after religious discrimination slip-up

Maryam Abdi, a 16-year-old who was denied a job at an Old Country Buffet restaurant because of her Islamic headscarf, has been hired for the position she sought. Abdi applied for a part-time cashier position at the company’s Fridley restaurant in July. The manager who interviewed her reportedly asked whether she would be willing to remove her headscarf to comply with the restaurant’s uniform policy …

Publix sexual harassment reporting policy holds up in court

The Publix supermarket chain has won a partial victory in a sexual harassment case that spotlighted “nauseating” behavior by a store manager. The only bright spot for the grocer: The victim’s failure to properly report harassment means Publix may be liable only for retaliation …

Disney revises gun policy

After firing one employee in a showdown over Florida’s new guns-at-work law, Disney has taken a small step back. It released a revised policy in August that allows employees who don’t work at Walt Disney World Resort to keep guns in their cars, in accordance with state law …

Walt Disney World dilemma spotlights religious discrimination issues

Sukhbir Channa, a practicing Sikh, has sued Walt Disney World after the theme park fired him for allegedly not having the “Disney look.” Channa wears a turban, beard and long hair—practices required by his religious beliefs. This is a case in which a company’s dress code collides with workplace diversity, and it may be a sign of more conflict to come …