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HR Management

It’s up to you to stay current on industry-specific regs


It’s tough to keep up on all the latest changes in employment law. Busy HR professionals have to handle day-to-day problems and make sure new rules and regulations make their way into that routine. But it’s vital to be up to date on new regulations relevant to your industry. Otherwise, you could face extensive, expensive and needless litigation …

Employing agency determines where public employees’ whistle-blower suits will be heard


The California Supreme Court has ruled that when and how state employees can file whistle-blower lawsuits depends on which agency they work for. For example, regular state employees can sue if they first ask for a ruling from the State Personnel Board …

DIR orders record fine for heat-related death


California worker safety regulators fined Merced Farm Labor Contractor a record $262,700 for allegedly violating state regulations that required it to provide shade, water and breaks to its agricultural workers and to train supervisors and employees about how to lower the risk of employees suffering heat-related ailments …

Must employers pay doctors to fill out FMLA forms?


FMLA certification forms are pretty simple—until complications arise. What kind of complications? How about an invoice from an employee’s doctor demanding that you pay the bill for filling out the form? Do employers have to pay? It depends.

Video résumés failing to catch on: Ahead of their time, or too hot to handle?


Despite much discussion about their pros, cons and legal implications, video résumés aren’t yet catching fire with employers or employees. CareerBuilder recently discontinued its video résumé service. Recruiters have shown little demand for them …

Can we talk? A guide to political expression in the workplace


The presidential campaign has everyone talking politics, and inevitably a lot of that talking takes place at work. As the campaign season moves toward the general election, many employers are re-examining their workplace policies concerning political activities and speech. Evidence suggests employers must educate employees concerning workplace political speech …

Sample Policy: Overtime

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Can ‘Kiddie Wellness’ Programs Cut Your Organization’s Health Costs?


Children account for 20% to 25% of employer health care spending, and rates of diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are soaring among America’s kids and teens. Here are five tips for including employees’ children in your company’s wellness programs …

Bigfoot in his mouth: Officer loses job over fraudulent story

Officer Matt Whitton of the Clayton County Police Department lost more than his credibility when his amazing “Bigfoot” discovery turned out to be a soggy polyester ape costume. The moment the news reached Police Chief Jeffery Turner, he fired Whitton …

Post this story to curb employee credit card abuse

Donna Gamble, of Marietta, whose purchase card abuses cost the Georgia Institute of Technology more than $300,000, has been sentenced to two years and eight months in federal prison and ordered to pay full restitution to the university …