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HR Management

How should we respond to employee’s fear she’s being stalked?


Q. One of our female employees says her ex-boyfriend is stalking her. She hasn’t been able to get a restraining order against him. We’re worried that he may show up and harm her or other workers. Can we fire or suspend her? …

Court Says: It’s Up to You to Stay Current on Industry-Specific Regs


Federal, state and local governments issues thousands of pages of new regulations every week. Some relate directly to HR, but many of the most critical changes may not be on your professional-development radar screen. They’re the regs that affect the narrow slice of industry your company operates in. Guess what. You need to know them too.

Football coach kills self as police probe messages to student


Marty Deputy, an English and Bible literature teacher and football coach at Pike Central High School in Petersburg, committed suicide on Sept. 2, hours before his former assistant coach surrendered to police over charges of inappropriate conduct …

Retaliation claim doesn’t win if it’s filed in wrong court


An Elkhart employer is off the hook for retaliatory discharge for now—but maybe not for long. Lisa Lubarsky was reportedly a good employee of INOVA Federal Credit Union in Elkhart. But then she sued in a South Bend federal court for retaliatory discharge under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 …

Indiana employers overlooked health incentive tax break


Only two companies in the state took advantage of the health insurance tax credit introduced under the Indiana Check-Up Plan last year. The plan granted credits of $50 per employee to businesses that provided employee health care coverage for their workers under a Section 125 cafeteria plan …

Indiana workplace fatalities fell to all-time low in 2007


The Indiana Department of Labor (DOL) reported that fatal workplace injuries in the state hit a record low in 2007. DOL reported 127 fatal occupational injuries last year, 21 fewer than reported in 2006 …

Showing restraint: Ensuring worker safety with workplace protective orders


A disgruntled employee is terminated for poor performance. On his way out, he threatens his manager and co-workers. Fortunately, situations like this usually end with the terminated employee cooling off, filing for unemployment and getting on with his life. But what happens when the employee doesn’t let it go? …

Give managers a 3-phrase script to respond to harassment complaints


When one of your employees confides in her manager that she’s being harassed by a co-worker, what will that manager say? Hopefully, it’ll be something more constructive than “Go along with it."

Apprentice forms and paycheck deductions


Q. One of the positions in our manufacturing company has a formal apprenticeship program. To stay accredited, we must submit monthly reports showing the number of classroom training hours in which each apprentice participates. Submission of these forms is mandatory, and yet every month there are always some apprentices (for whatever reason) who fail to submit their forms. Can we withhold a portion of an apprentice’s paycheck at the end of the month until we receive the training reports? …

No translation needed for arbitration agreements to be valid


You might worry that people who don’t speak English well won’t be bound by contracts such as arbitration agreements. If applicants or employees can’t read an agreement, it would seem logical that they couldn’t agree to the terms. You have little to fear …