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HR Management

REDA provides whistle-blower protection during some internal investigations, too


Until recently, it was unclear whether reporting unsafe or illegal working conditions to an internal auditor or another responsible party was “protected activity” under the North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA). Now a federal court has decided that REDA may cover internal reports …

IT workers fed up with food-related PC problems


More than half (56%) of corporate IT employees report that, in a typical month, they have to troubleshoot an employee’s food-related computer mishap, according to a Sunrise Software survey …

Casual Fridays morph into ‘razor-free Fridays’


With drought conditions gripping much of the state, the Georgia Department of Agriculture is encouraging employees to skip their morning shaves as part of casual Fridays …

Wellness meets the holiday office party


People traditionally pack on extra pounds during the Thanksgiving-to-Christmas string of holiday parties and office functions. Here’s one key rule for holiday partygoers.

Asking for a raise: 10 tips for making your pitch

You may not be comfortable when it comes to negotiating your own pay and perks, so lay out your case using these 10 negotiation tips. From opening offers to the handshake that seals the deal, here’s how to make your case and get the rewards you deserve.

Cop is fired over sex charges, but he’ll still get pension


The Altoona City Council fired Police Officer Herrick Johnson on Sept. 10 for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old girl he met online. Johnson, 49, met the girl through a web site that promoted law enforcement careers …

Is it illegal to read others’ work e-mail?


Q. I have reason to believe that someone in my department is reading my e-mail without my consent. Isn’t that illegal? …

Trouble in the air: The legal ailments of sick-building syndrome


Although it may seem like the far-fetched excuse of an employee hoping to take a few days off from work, a condition known as “sick building syndrome” (SBS) is real. Some employees suffering from SBS have brought claims under the ADA. Others have sought recovery under state workers’ compensation laws …

Can we require male employees to keep their hair cut short?


Q. May we require male employees’ hair be a certain length, or is that discrimination? Also, may we prohibit beards? …

State probes purchase of phony diplomas and degrees


Attorney General Tom Corbett is investigating more than 135 Pennsylvania residents who allegedly bought diplomas from a business in Spokane, Wash., that sold high school diplomas and college degrees under the name Saint Regis University …