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HR Management

Back to work at Detroit City Hall . . . or not


Detroit Auditor General Loren Monroe has recommended better oversight of the city’s operations in the wake of the resignation of former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. In a memo to new Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr., Monroe called for implementing a detailed budget …

Are we allowed to do anything that limits political expression at work?


Q. Some union employees are wearing buttons and T-shirts as well as posting signs advocating presidential candidates. At first it was not bothering anyone, but now it has gotten out of hand. Is there anything I can do to prevent employees from exhibiting their political views in the workplace? …

Courts rein in some out-of-bounds employee lawsuits


Sometimes, it seems as if employees and their attorneys will try anything to squeeze money from employers. But now some courts are telling employees, “Enough is enough.”

New law: Employers must review outside investigators’ work


In May 2008, Michigan enacted the Professional Investigator Licensure Act. The act has a significant impact on how employers can conduct background checks and investigations. A violation of the act is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than four years or a fine of not more than $5,000, or both …

Termination for viewing child porn


Q. Our company has a strict Internet-use policy. During the course of routine computer maintenance and observation, our third-party IT provider advised us that one of our employees had been viewing child pornography in violation of our policy. We immediately terminated that employee. Is there anything else we should do regarding this employee’s violation of our company’s policy? …

Be ready to explain if HR files include photos


Sometimes, it seems employees and their lawyers can take even the most innocent event or evidence and find a way to twist it into a discrimination case. That’s why it’s important for employers to have solid reasons for all decisions. You never know when someone is going to second-guess you …

If you violate FMLA, prepare to pay employee’s attorneys’ fees, too


Here’s another reason to train everyone on the intricacies of the FMLA: Employees who win even a small amount of damages in FMLA interference cases automatically get their attorneys’ fees paid by their employer. And that can add up to
big bucks …

Holiday parties: Don’t let best of times become worst of times


By exerting proper control over your holiday party this year, you can reduce everyone’s worries concerning the annual fete. Most important, careful planning will help your company avoid lawsuits as you ring in the New Year.

New law brings oversight to outsourced HR


Gov. Bill Ritter recently signed into law the 2008 Professional Employer Organizations Modernization Act, which promises greater security for small businesses that rely on PEOs to provide outsourced HR management, employee benefits, payroll and workers’ compensation services …

Must we comply with a former employee’s request for thousands of e-mails?


Q. A former employee wants copies of 18-months’ worth of e-mails. That would be an enormous undertaking. Do we have to honor the request? …