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HR Management

Act quickly to fix safety violations


Employers that take OSHA and state agency safety violations seriously probably won’t face additional legal troubles outside the workers’ compensation system if an employee is later hurt or killed. Ignore those reports, and employees can sue for unlimited damages …

Good manners prevent needless negligent-supervision lawsuits


Employers are responsible for the way their employees behave. Threatening behavior toward fellow employees or customers that causes emotional or physical harm can lead to a negligent-supervision lawsuit.

What’s our liability when a supervisor strikes an employee?


Q. We recently had an incident in which a supervisor hit an employee. Are we liable? What kind of violence is a company responsible for preventing?

HR technology: Shortcuts to find the best vendors, products


Say your CEO tasks you with cutting HR department costs. You know technology can help slay that cost dragon, but you have no idea where to start. Instead of combing through hundreds of vendor web sites, use these nonbiased resources to search for the right HR tech products.

Personnel records: Your guide to ADA and FMLA medical confidentiality


Both the ADA and the FMLA have strict requirements for how employers must handle employee’s confidential medical information. HR professionals must know these rules to comply with both laws—and to avoid expensive legal liability for failing to do so. Here are the details you need.

The new FMLA: 9 changes you must comply with


For the past 15 years, complying with the FMLA has been complex, but at least the law stayed the same. On Jan. 16, that all changed. That’s the day the first major overhaul of the FMLA took effect. Here are the details.

Stress test: 9 questions to find out if you’re a victim or a master


Everyone’s stressed these days—whether from financial worries or just the looming holidays. Some thrive on stress, but for others it’s an emotional and productivity drain. Here’s a simple self-assessment you can do to gauge your stress level—and do something about it.

Dishing out bad news? 6 tips for your emotional survival


Announcing layoffs and cuts in pay and benefits can exact a personal toll on you, too. Here are six tips from psychologists and HR experts to help you cope with the stress that results from telling employees things that cause them anguish.

One more reason to keep job descriptions current


If you don’t have up-to-date job descriptions, you are asking for legal trouble the next time an employee asks for reasonable accommodations under the ADA. Without a current job description, the employee will come up with her own—quite possibly minimizing the essential functions she can’t perform.

Corzine signs bills reforming workers’ compensation system


Gov. Jon Corzine has signed a package of workers’ compensation reform bills that should make the state’s system more efficient and more responsive to the needs of employers and workers. The legislation is comprised of five bills.