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HR Management

IRS issues ‘grab bag’ guidance on Health Savings Accounts


The U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service recently issued a notice providing additional guidance on Health Savings Accounts. Some of the rules will have an impact on administering these accounts, so HR professionals with benefits administration responsibilities need to be aware of the key highlights.

Plan ahead for Take-the-Kids-to-Work Day: April 23


April 23 is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. To head off confusion, establish some ground rules and/or fun events for that day.

Tackle grumbling head-on with organized gripe session


It can start as one employee simply venting frustration. Then another joins in. Eventually, morale and productivity take a hit from all the rumor, gossip and negative words bouncing around the office or department. How can you put a stop to it?

Add some pizazz to your personal LinkedIn profile


While some Web 2.0 tools are about socializing and idea swapping, LinkedIn is the only tool completely devoted to business networking. Nurturing your online presence could lead to job offers, new knowledge or a beefed-up reputation as an expert. Here’s how to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile.

Online HR master’s degree: Is it worth it? Which school is best?


If you want to pursue an HR master’s degree but the nearest accredited program is too far away, consider earning your degree online. The quality of such programs has improved dramatically in recent years. Also, online programs allow you to earn the degree from anywhere at your own pace. Here are the pros and cons of earning an online degree.

Promptly investigate co-worker harassment—and ensure employees know how to report it


There’s no time like now to review your sexual harassment policies and processes. First, remember that sexual harassment by a supervisor is the most dangerous kind. But that’s not the case with most sexual harassment complaints, however—the ones that occur between co-workers.

Costs rise as workers skimp on health care


Consumers are hanging on tightly to every penny. One main cost they’re skimping on: their own health care—a move that experts say will lead to sicker Americans and higher health care costs down the road for U.S. employers. Here are three ways your organization can keep workers focused on their health even as they skimp on other expenses.

How much are you worth in today’s troubled economy?


The global economic crisis that has forced U.S. employers to slash their salary budgets has not spared HR salaries. A new report says HR pros’ base pay and incentive compensation grew more slowly last year. Compensation isn’t expected to rebound in 2009, either. Find out where you stand.

Hiring a headhunter? Choose the best type for your needs


If you think you might be leaving your job, voluntarily or not, you’ll need a comprehensive search strategy. Using a headhunter for yourself isn’t the same as using one to fill an HR position on your staff. You should be familiar with the two types of search firms: contingency and retained.

6 tips to improve your time management


For many HR pros, the clock is their biggest adversary. Finding enough time in the day to complete every necessary project can be difficult. But the old adage of “work smarter, not harder” is based on the concept of managing the minutes in your day more efficiently. Here are six tips to help you work toward that goal.