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New law on privacy in place: How to comply


If you haven’t already taken appropriate measures to comply with New York’s new privacy law that took effect in January, do so now before the Commissioner of Labor moves to assess civil penalties. Amendments to the New York Labor Law now require employers to protect employees from identity theft and other potential privacy problems.

You can make disabled comply with dress, behavior standards


Good news when it comes to disciplining disabled employees for breaking behavioral or dress code rules: You can and should hold the disabled to those rules, along with everyone else.

OSHA Inspections: How to Prepare, How to Respond

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Go ahead and set up employee surveillance, but be careful how you pick your spots


What should you do if you suspect an employee is goofing off at work or perhaps sleeping at his desk? One employer recently took the high-tech approach to that problem, setting up a surveillance camera to catch an employee in the act. It worked, but it took a trip to court to finally put this case to bed.

Inside job: Did Houston firm swipe trade secrets?


Multinational materials processing company Saint-Gobain is suing a Houston competitor, Centronic LLC, and two former Saint-Gobain employees, alleging they illegally brought proprietary information with them when they went to work for Centronic.

What goes in a company credit card policy?


Q. I work for a nonprofit agency. We plan to start using an agency credit card. We need a policy that covers who can use the card and when, plus some other things I haven’t thought of yet. What should the policy include?

Former Victoria’s Secret employee claims pregnancy bias


A Beaumont-area Victoria’s Secret employee recently filed suit in Jefferson County District Court alleging she was discriminated against because of her pregnancy. Krystal Burns brought her suit under Title VII, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Texas Labor Code.

What’s the best way to legally limit the length of leaves of absences?


Q. How do we handle an employee who is on an indefinite leave of absence and does not know when he will be able to return to work?

Peach Bottom nuke plant fined for sleeping guards


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has levied a $65,000 fine on Chicago-based Exelon Nuclear, after someone videotaped sleeping guards at its Peach Bottom nuclear plant and turned it over to the media.

OSHA inspectors are at your door … Are you prepared?


An unexpected visit from a government regulator such as OSHA is often unwelcome—and unsettling, too. If you have taken the time to prepare for an OSHA inspection, however, it need not be traumatic. Advance planning and preparation not only make the inspection proceed without difficulty, but also allow you to be in control.