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HR Management

Whistle-blower law insulates noncomplaining workers, too


When two workers complained to two co-workers that their employer wasn’t providing protective gear while they installed insulation, it started a chain of events that led to their firings.

Judge says sewer worker’s firing doesn’t pass smell test


An administrative law judge has ruled the township of Leoni violated the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act (MIOSHA) when it terminated Benjamin Brzezinski for refusing to enter a sewer he felt was unsafe.

Stillwater schools settle age discrimination lawsuit


The Stillwater School District has agreed to pay a part-time teacher and athletics coach $137,000 to settle age discrimination claims in a lawsuit filed by the EEOC.

Long-past lost training can’t make a lawsuit—for now


Employees who long ago were denied training opportunities because of their race can’t wait decades to sue their employers for later lost promotion opportunities, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled.

Employees dozing at the desk? Offer them pillows


If the worrisome economy is keeping your employees up at night, offering them a place to nap during the afternoon could help them get their work done. Nearly 30% of employees admit they have fallen asleep on the job, and 12% say fatigue has made them late for work, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll.

Stanley University offers round-the-clock training


IT firm Stanley Associates has its own, round-the-clock web-based training university for employees. Stanley University offers employees more than 3,500 courses in technology, business skills, time management, writing and other skills.

Bring domestic violence out of the workplace shadows


Because the impact of domestic violence reaches deeply into a company’s culture, employers should reassess policies and make domestic violence an HR priority. Four sensible practices can help you help employees prevent domestic violence and lessen its impact.

4 tips to gain office-bound employees’ buy-in for telework


New research shows there may be a hidden downside to telecommuting policies: They may cause non-telecommuters to leave their jobs. To accommodate the broader impact of telecommuting on others in the office—and stave off any negative effects—experts advise taking a fresh look at your telecommuting efforts.

Survival-mode comp strategies could be good for business


Smart compensation pros can use this recession as an opportunity to re-evaluate how they pay employees. Here are four recession-smart compensation strategies that you might decide to continue even after the economy rebounds.

It’s February, and love is in the air—or is it harassment?


As Valentine’s Day draws near, it’s time to take a loving look at that everlasting HR worry … the office romance. Supervisor-subordinate relationships can spell real trouble, and it’s no solace if—at least for a while—the subordinate welcomed the boss’s advances. More cheerfully, there’s good news about where our priorities are these days.