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5 reasons your organization needs to focus on business ethics

Because of the complexity, many leaders might be tempted to leave the debate of ethical issues to business school classes. A business that fails to think about its ethical standards, however, may end up regretting it. Here are five reasons business ethics needs to be discussed at every organization and why you as a leader need to play a crucial role.

Ten things great bosses do every day

We’ve all heard the adage, “People don’t leave bad jobs; they leave bad bosses.” On the flip side, great bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves and help us learn to discover our strengths. Look at these ten characteristics of great bosses to know where you rank—and, more importantly, how to improve.

A new gig: Employees engage in side hustle for fun of it

The rise of the gig economy has been the proverbial talk of the town. Meanwhile, the U.S. job market overflows with traditional work opportunities, leaving everyone wondering why so many workers are shifting from conventional employment to a new gig.

Paying attention to attendance policies

Assuring that workers show up for their scheduled shifts is crucial. one popular way is through a no-fault attendance policy that punishes unplanned absences beyond those protected by the FMLA, the ADA and the company’s vacation and sick time policies. But such policies can backfire.

Exploring AI to save time and increase efficiencies?

Imagine having an assistant who can handle the repetitive aspects of your HR team. Artificial intelligence (AI) can expedite routine tasks, leaving more time for addressing more significant issues and future planning. Here are three ways small companies are using AI to streamline their business.

Off-duty marijuana use off limits in California

When California rings in the New Year in 2024, employers will be prohibited from discharging employees or refusing to hire individuals based on their off-duty use of marijuana.

Virtual team-building employees will love

Remote workers are now the majority, and they crave a connection with their colleagues, access to company leaders and opportunities to create bonds with team members.

Here’s what happens when your managers don’t follow your written call-out policies

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employer can insist that employees comply with the company’s “usual and customary” absentee notice procedures. Often those call-out procedures are part of written leave and attendance policies. But, as one company found out the hard way, “usual and customary” absentee notice can transcend formal policies and procedures when managers bend the rules.

Vaccination policies come back to the forefront

A former employee of Princeton Uni­versity filed a lawsuit on the grounds of religious discrimination.

DEI training doesn’t have to break the bank

In many cases, smaller companies can create their own instructions in their employee handbooks or group sessions.