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HR Management

When leadership ignores your department—6 strategies

Few middle managers enjoy top execs breathing down their necks or questioning their every move. But what if you experience the other extreme—feeling like the upper brass barely acknowledges your team’s existence? What can you do to generate more attention to your department and help staff members stay engaged? Try these strategies.

DOL issues best practices for AI in the workplace

The DOL says employers must approach implementing AI in all its forms in worker-centric ways. That is, they shouldn’t use AI as tool to eliminate jobs but rather as a resource for advancing workers’ well-being.

Executives more ‘connected’ than others to their organizations

A full 40% of leaders say they feel a strong connection with the organizations where they work. Compare that to just 19% of rank-and-file employees and 23% of managers.

Go ahead, trim the tree—and keep holiday parties liability-free

Company holiday parties are back—and so is the liability they sometimes bring. If your organization is planning holiday festivities this year, follow these tips for making spirits bright without having to call a lawyer.

Report: Leader, manager development is No. 1 HR priority for 2025

The continued focus on management development comes as managers report feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

Guidance addresses 3rd-party AI worker surveillance

The guidance warns that employers that use third-party consumer reports—including background dossiers and surveillance-based AI or algorithmic scores about their workers—must follow Fair Credit Reporting Act rules.

DOL employees ordered back to their offices

U.S. Department of Labor employees who have been working remotely since the pandemic must soon report back to their offices for at least five days of every two-week pay period. Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su ordered the return-to-office transition to begin Dec. 1.

51% of employers now use AI in hiring

About half of employers currently use artificial intelligence technology to augment their hiring processes, according to a survey of 948 business leaders by ResumeBuilder.com. The survey found that by the end of 2025, 68% of companies will be using AI to acquire new talent.

Ensure your organization complies with child-labor laws

Recent data from the U.S. Department of Labor reveals a troubling spike in child-labor violations among U.S. employers. In fiscal year 2023, the DOL concluded 955 investigations that found child-labor violations, a 14% increase from the previous year.

Drug-free policy vs. legal marijuana: Call your lawyer!

Can employers refuse to hire them or fire casual marijuana smokers if they test positive on a blood test? That’s the conundrum an Illinois employer recently faced when it wanted to enforce a zero-tolerance policy against drug users, including users of marijuana.