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Seek employee input to blunt cost-cutting anger


For countless organizations, cost reduction remains an overriding business imperative. But too many employers continue to swing the budget ax without seeking employees’ suggestions for what and where to cut. To cut costs in ways that have the least impact on retention and productivity, take the following steps that experts recommend for including employees in the decision-making:

Sample Policy: Violence and Weapons

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What do we need to do before implementing a drug and alcohol testing program?


Q. My company wants to begin substance-abuse testing of employees that it suspects are under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the workplace. We already have a drug- and alcohol-free workplace policy. Is there anything else we need to do to allow us to test employees for illegal drugs or alcohol?

Attitude, absence & foul language: 3 scripts for those conversations you’d rather not have


Paul Falcone, author of 101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees, offers these scripts to follow when you need to have awkward but essential conversations with employees. Here’s what managers should say after they’ve said, “Hey, got a minute?” 

How to tactfully handle ‘Hire my relative’ pleas


 Q. “What would be the best way to tell an employee we don’t want to hire her daughter? We’ve had her as a temp, but never would’ve hired her for a full-time job.” Here’s how readers of our HR Specialist Forum answered that question:

Employee may be gone, but e-mails requesting ADA accommodations must live on


Here’s a record-keeping requirement you may not be aware of: Employers must keep any written requests for ADA accommodations for at least one year. That includes requests received via e-mail. If you routinely purge information from computer hard drives or servers when employees quit, are fired or retire, you may be in violation of the requirement.

Harassment by text: Is this my problem?


Q. An employee complained that a co-worker was sending her sexually suggestive text messages and leaving inappropriate comments on her Facebook “wall.” Do I have any obligations to investigate?

Can we require employees to get flu vaccine?


Q. Can I require my employees to be vaccinated against the flu? I am concerned about the impact H1N1 will have on my business if it spreads among my employees, and a large group needs to take time off.

Check your OSHA records!


OSHA is conducting a “National Emphasis Program” targeting employer record-keeping of workplace accidents and injuries. As part of the program, OSHA inspectors will be checking employer records and taking enforcement action “when employers are found to be under-recording injuries and illnesses.” Advice: Firm up workplace illness- and injury-reporting practices before federal inspectors drop in for a visit.

Justify why some got training, while others didn’t


Training opportunities at work must be available to all employees regardless of race, ethnicity, religion and so forth. That doesn’t mean, however, that everyone who wants to take a particular training course must get the opportunity. Employers can base training opportunities on the critical need for some employees to get the training.