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HR Management

Once is not enough! Promote perks year-round


For too many employers, benefits communication consists of handing an annual statement to workers and saying, “See you next year.” However, a new survey says U.S. workers’ biggest complaint about their employee benefits isn’t cost or access—it’s that employees don’t really understand the benefits they already have. Here are inexpensive ways HR can educate employees year-round:

Supreme Court hears arguments: Are employees’ personal text messages private?


The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday heard oral arguments in a case that could settle the contentious issue of whether employers have a right to read personal text messages employees send using employer-provided equipment and bandwidth. Based on the Justices’ questions, it doesn’t sound good for the cop who sent racy texts to his wife — and his girlfriend.

Schwan’s must hand over demographic data in EEOC case

Schwan’s, the Marshall-based frozen food company, must turn over data requested by the EEOC in a long-running sex discrimination case. Judge Janie Myeron ruled in favor of the EEOC’s subpoena requesting demographic data on employees who have entered the company’s management trainee program.

Lowe’s to offer free employee health screening

Home improvement giant Lowe’s is offering free health screenings to its employees. Lowe’s operates 13 stores in Minnesota, with more than 1,500 employees.

Apply zero-tolerance policy on workplace violence across the board


Many employers have adopted so-called zero-tolerance rules prohibiting any kind of violence at work. The reason: Getting rid of violent employees is crucial to maintaining a safe work environment. But be careful how you enforce the rule. If you ever make exceptions, you’re asking for a lawsuit.

Use proactive measures to stop bias lawsuits


Sometimes, all it takes to stop a potential lawsuit based on a supervisor’s poor behavior is a timely warning. Take, for example, what might happen if a subordinate believed her supervisor was targeting her for poor treatment because of her race. If HR takes a strong stance and persuades the supervisor to change her approach, then a potential lawsuit may dissolve into nothing.

Labor on the rise: Review your solicitation & distribution rules


Unions are stepping up their organizing activity, and smart employers are preparing by making sure their rules on solicitation, distribution and access to private property meet legal requirements. If you don’t have a “no solicitation/no distribution” policy, adopt one now. It can help regulate two types of conduct that unions depend on when trying to organize a workplace.

Look for these 5 qualities when choosing a wellness provider

Looking for a vendor to start or take over your organization’s wellness program? U.S. Preventive Medicine offers a five-item shopping list to guide your decision:

Lowe’s to offer free employee health screening

Home improvement giant Lowe’s is offering free health screenings to its employees. Lowe’s partnerships with health care providers mean employees will be able to get free checks of their blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, waist size, hip size, weight, height, body fat percentage and body-mass index.

Follow these best practices for tracking initial discrimination complaints


Smart employers carefully track complaints to show that they respond quickly to alleged discrimination and treat it seriously. Done properly, a tracking system gives you ammunition if you ever need it in court. Here are some best practices for handling complaints: