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HR Management

Records retention: Know what to keep, what’s safe to toss

If there’s one thing all HR pros share, it’s probably a love/hate relationship with paper and paperwork. You know you need good records, but you also need to get rid of them periodically. That’s what a records-retention schedule will help you do.

HR’s goal should not be to make employees happy


“Great leaders and great HR leaders make their people feel uncomfortable,” says HR consultant Peter Barron Stark. “If you want to make people happy, be a clown.” That doesn’t mean HR shouldn’t try to create a positive, enjoyable environment. But a leader’s role is to push employees outside their comfort zones.

Use benefits checklist to smooth new-hire onboarding

New employees have lots on their minds when they first start working. While making the right benefits choices and completing the necessary paperwork is ultimately the employee’s responsibility, HR can give a kick in the pants by providing a checklist like this one.

Philly firefighters settle suit over racist web posting

A group of black Philadelphia firefighters known as Club Valients and the NAACP have settled their lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia concerning racist comments that appeared on the web site of International Association of Fire Fighters Local 22.

It’s time to review your e-monitoring policies

A long-awaited Supreme Court ruling has reiterated the importance of all employers to draft and enforce a comprehensive electronic communications policy governing how employees can use e-mail, the Internet, cell phones and text services.

What you should look for in a health benefits broker


It’s probably the toughest part of a benefits administrator’s job: choosing next year’s health insurance plan. If they’re lucky, benefits pros have powerful allies in that high-stakes game: insurance brokers. But some brokers are little more than order-takers. If you’re starting to think your broker is part of the problem and not part of the benefits solution, maybe it’s time to look for a new one.

Don’t break the bank for effective wellness programs

Employers are warming up to wellness programs to help reduce health care costs. And it works! But choosing the wrong pieces of the wellness puzzle can lower your ROI dramatically. For the most bang for your wellness buck, focus on these five efforts that drive the greatest cost savings.

May we check an employee message sent from work to his personal e-mail?

Q. One of our sales managers thinks a salesperson has been e-mailing confidential customer information to his personal e-mail address. Can we review the salesperson’s sent-messages file on the company’s e-mail server to see what he has been sending out?

Can we use GPS cell phones to track employees without telling them?

Q. Our employees have company-issued cell phones with global positioning systems capabilities. Can we use the GPS to track employees’ movements without telling them we are doing so?

Am I allowed to check social media web sites for information on job applicants?

Q. Is it OK for me to consider information about a job applicant that I learn by using Google, viewing Facebook pages and reviewing Twitter feeds?