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HR Management

Positive drug test? Get worker to admit drug use, too

Here’s a step you can take to guard against challenges to your drug-testing procedures. When you tell an employee he failed the test, get him to admit he used drugs. That can ensure he doesn’t receive unemployment compensation.

Pittsburgh 4th on Forbes list of cities for working moms


Buoyed by a good education system, low costs and a falling crime rate, Pittsburgh has placed fourth on Forbes magazine’s annual list of the nation’s best cities for working mothers. The rankings were based on a survey that weighed women’s income, cost of living, availability of pediatricians, safety, employment and spending on education.

Safety trumps faith: Feel free to ban religious garments if they pose a workplace hazard

Employees have the right to wear religious garb to work, within limits. Under most ordinary circumstances, for example, Muslim women should be allowed to wear head coverings if they hold the sincere belief such coverings are required of their religion. But if the head covering presents a safety issue, chances are an employer can ban the covering.

Take advantage of delay on N.J. medical marijuana law

New Jersey’s new medical marijuana law won’t take effect until next year, a last-minute move that has implications for employers with policies concerning employee drug use. Take advantage of the delay to ensure your drug-abuse policies are aligned with the new law. If an employee can legally use medical marijuana, how will you enforce your legitimate interest in maintaining a workplace where safety isn’t compromised by intoxicated workers?

Is it time to ban swearing in the workplace?

Should you establish a zero-tolerance ban on swearing in the workplace? It’s probably not realistic and you may set yourself up for discrimination claims if you clamp down on one employee’s slip-up but not another’s. Instead, establish more general rules that say offensive language and other disrespectful conduct are not permitted, and violators will be subjected to the discipline policy.

Move up by focusing on big picture, not just HR

The most valuable HR professionals in coming years will be those who have an understanding of the business strategy and can contribute to it. “If you work in business, you have to be a businessperson first with a specialty in HR,” says Conrad Venter, global head of HR at Deutsche Bank.

Feds finalize I-9 form rules allowing electronic storage

DHS has issued final regulations clearing the way for employers to electronically sign and store the I-9 employment eligibility verification forms that must be on file for all employees. Here are the links you need to capitalize on this initiative, which should reduce your paperwork burden.

Health care reform: Mark your calendar with these milestones

When President Obama signed health care reform legislation in March, the clock started ticking on a series of changes that HR professionals will be dealing with for at least the next eight years. Here’s your timeline of what to expect.

Constant hiring means high-speed, nonstop training


One of the country’s fastest-growing companies, LTC Financial Partners is looking for 300 new sales agents—and when those jobs are filled, more will open. Because the organization is constantly hiring, it’s also constantly trying to get new employees up to speed. So it created the LTC Insurance Training Institute to get recruits ready to work within five days.

5 tips to avoid liability for benefit plan mistakes

Anyone with responsibility for health, benefit, disability, severance, education or other benefit plans is a “fiduciary” and can be held personally liable for plan errors under ERISA. Attorney Sherwin Kaplan says employers should take these steps to avoid errors that could subject a fiduciary to liability: