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6 ways to network on LinkedIn

What’s the best way to get a job right now? Networking. What’s the best way to network? According to many experts, via LinkedIn.com. The online service offers innovative ways to interact professionally with colleagues and build your web of contacts and connections. Here are six ways LinkedIn can advance your career.

It’s time to review and revise your employee handbook


Make this your New Year’s resolution: Go through your employee handbook to make sure all the information is accurate and up-to-date, reflects how your organization really does business and fully complies with the law. It’s important to regularly review and revise employee handbooks because having an out-of-date handbook may be more dangerous than not having one at all.

Rejected Sikh seeks damages

Tri-County Lexus of Totowa faces religious discrimination charges after it refused to hire a Sikh applicant because he refused to shave his beard.

As the EEOC steps up ADA enforcement, it’s time to review policies


The EEOC projects the number of private-sector charges to exceed 100,000 by the end of fiscal year 2010. The increase is due in part to the additional statutory authority it gained with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA). Given this trend, employers should review their ADA and medical policies to ensure they are in compliance with the ADAAA.

Philly firm bans Muslim scarf, earns religious bias lawsuit

Imperial Security, a Philadelphia-area security firm that provides guards for the Pennsylvania Convention Center and other locations in the city, faces a religious discrimination lawsuit after it refused to allow a Muslim woman to wear a khimar, a religious head scarf, on the job.

Promoting staff into management? Train on anti-retaliation laws

Sometimes, a new supervisor takes the opportunity to settle old scores with former co-workers. And that can create liability for the employer. So before the promotion kicks in, teach your newly minted managers that federal laws prohibit supervisors from retaliating against workers for everything from taking FMLA leave to filing a workers’ comp claim.

4 steps for implementing a variable pay program

Making variable pay work requires lots of interaction throughout the organization before, during and after implementation. As the business unit most likely in charge of implementation, it’s up to HR to make sure that happens. Here’s how to do it.

7 tips for reducing your workers’ comp costs


Employers can significantly reduce the cost of their workers’ compensation premiums by following a program of accident prevention, better claims management and prevention of fraud and abuse. These seven tips point the way.

Abercrombie case highlights risk of electronic I-9 systems

Clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch paid a $1.05 million fine to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement last month after ICE cited numerous technology-related problems with the company’s electronic I-9 system.

Comp and benefits to the fore in retaining great staff

Of all of HR’s priorities, keeping good employees is on top. You can be a hero in the post-recession years ahead. Act like one: Be brave enough to communicate the truth to both employees and to company execs. Assert your key role by trying the following: