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HR Management

When employee threatens, you can and should discipline–regardless of reason


Employers and employees have the right to a safe work environment free from violence or direct threats of harm. Punishing an employee who puts others in danger or creates widespread fear is not only appropriate, but essential. That’s true regardless of the underlying reason for the threatening behavior. You can discipline the employee, no matter why he misbehaved.

Understanding Minnesota’s personnel record requirements gives you a leg up during litigation

Minnesota’s personnel record rules can cause problems for employers that don’t operate primarily in the state. For example, employers that aren’t used to the rules may not realize that employees can challenge the truthfulness of information in personnel records and then sue for defamation.

Twittering away the day on FMLA

Have you ever searched Twitter for the term “FMLA”? You’ll find some interesting interpretations on how people use their “family” or “medical” time off. Chicago law firm Franczek Radelet PC collected these recent tweets:

Are employers required to ban texting while driving?

The legal wall against texting while driving is building. In 2009, an executive order prohibited federal employees from doing it. In 2010, federal regulations made it illegal for commercial truck and bus drivers to do it. And laws in at least 30 states make it unlawful for all drivers to text in the driver’s seat. But what about drivers who aren’t covered under any of those laws?

Staffing firm employees collect, donate clothes


Employees of Robert Half International are giving the business suits off their backs to help others find jobs. The Menlo Park, Calif.-based staffing company invited its own employees and those of nearby businesses to donate “interview appropriate” clothing to disadvantaged job-seekers through its “Dress for Success” program.

How toxic is your workplace fridge?

With more employees brown-bagging it due to the sluggish economy, workplace refrigerators are becoming more crowded … and germ-infested.

For desk jobs, standing is the new sitting

An increasing number of employees at desk jobs are taking a stand for their health and ditching their chairs. GeekDesk, which sells standing desks, says sales are likely to triple this year.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire … or, in some cases, no hire

Many employers are deciding not to hire smokers, and still more are trying to limit employees’ use of tobacco. Companies are screening new hires for nicotine as a condition for employment, imposing higher health-benefit premiums for smokers and trying to help smokers quit. Policies run the gamut:

How to take control of your workday

How can you succeed at work, stay sane and still get home on time? By seizing control over your day, you’ll boost your value to the organization and advance  your career in the process. Follow these five steps to adjust your attitude and priorities.

New tax law delivers savings–and benefits changes–that affect HR

The contentious tax law signed by President Obama last week brings tax savings to workers nationwide—and contains several provisions that will affect HR. Here’s a round-up of various elements—from Social Security withholding to tuition reimbursement to on-site child care—that you’ll have to deal with when the law takes effect on Jan. 1.