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HR Management

Hand-held phone ban for commercial drivers?

In 2010, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration prohibited commercial truck and bus drivers from texting while driving. Last month, the agency proposed banning such drivers from reaching for, holding or dialing a cell phone while operating a commercial vehicle.

Safety for all: Ensure evacuation plans comply with the ADA

Although we usually think of the ADA in terms of helping disabled people perform their jobs with or without accommodations, the law also has important workplace safety implications. Under the ADA, you must make sure your emergency evacuation plans take into account the needs of disabled employees. Some issues to consider:

In discharge meeting, follow 2-and-1 rule: Two company reps, one reason for termination


Unfortunately, lawsuits often come down to one person’s word against another’s. That’s powerful incentive for a company rule requiring at least two managers to participate in a termination meeting. Also, decide ahead of time the exact rationale for the discharge and then stick with that reason.

I-9 issues: To copy or not to copy employee ID documents? (and 4 other I-9 problems that cause employer headaches)

It is remarkable that a seemingly simple, one-page form—the Form I-9—can cause so many headaches. But who says government forms are easy, much less an immigration-related form? Here are the most common mistakes employers make in filling out the Employment Eligibility Verification form.

Personnel Legal Alert

Dear Personnel Legal Alert Subscriber, We are pleased to announce that Personnel Legal Alert has been acquired by Business Management Daily, a longtime HR newsletter publisher based in Virginia. Business Management Daily publishes plain-English, actionable advice to high-performers at more than 100,000 organizations of all sizes. In place of your twice-monthly service, you will now […]

Payroll Legal Alert

Dear Payroll Legal Alert Subscriber, We are pleased to announce that Payroll Legal Alert has been acquired by Business Management Daily, a longtime HR newsletter publisher based in Virginia. Business Management Daily publishes plain-English, actionable advice to high-performers at more than 100,000 organizations of all sizes. Please note that both your current price, and the […]

Comcast employees mentor local kids

Comcast employees who sign up to mentor local school children through Big Brothers Big Sisters can use the company’s facilities to meet with their “Littles” twice a month. The workplace mentoring program is part of the cable TV company’s $10 million national commitment to support the nonprofit.

When new employee quits, know the legal way to recoup your training costs


It’s expensive to train employees, especially if the job is highly specialized. Smart employers protect their investments by having new employees sign an agreement to repay training costs if they leave soon after receiving the valuable benefit. Here’s how to recoup those costs.

Can we use a lottery to set our vacation schedule?

Q. I know it’s early, but last summer we had lots of conflicts over who could take vacation during certain weeks, with several people demanding time off around holidays. I want to use a lottery system to allocate vacation time. Is this legal?

Can we prohibit employee from using accrued leave to care for her husband?

Q. An employee took time off to be with her husband who had a heart attack. We only have 30 employees. Management was very upset and wouldn’t let her take any paid time off and wouldn’t guarantee her position. She had accumulated several weeks of sick and vacation time. Can the company keep her from taking paid time off to care for her husband?