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HR Management

‘Trans’-cending stereotypes: Tackling transgender bias in the workplace

In 2007, the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination was amended to prohibit discrimination on the basis of “gender identity or expression.” To minimize the possibility of discrimination against transgender employees in your workplace, follow these tips:

Is it time for telework? 6 unexpected issues you should consider

Telework is taking off. Although the idea of allowing employees to work from home, at clients’ sites or at remote locations isn’t new, it is gaining popularity as gas prices remain high and commuting times to the office increase. But beyond choosing the right posi­tions for telework, employers must address important legal issues before adopting a telecommuting policy.

The FMLA: When does 50 not equal 50?


Most people think of 50 as the magic number for the FMLA. “Oh, we have 50 employees, so now we have to comply with the FMLA,” is a popular refrain among HR departments. It is not that simple. The FMLA has two different rules that must be met before you have to offer FMLA leave to an employee—coverage and eligibility.

9 things employees want from their managers (and 5 things they don’t)

Different employees crave different things from their managers. Here’s practical advice you can give the bosses in your organization. You’ll help them focus on the managerial qualities that matter most to employees—and forget about the window dressing workers don’t care about.

New ADAAA regs now in effect! Get ready for more lawsuits

The final regulations for implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 went into effect today. In the two years since the ADAAA was enacted, employers have begun to experience the law’s profound impact. With the final regs in place, expect courts to view them as the law of the land. They’re sure to be the critical factor in future ADA cases.

Can you ask applicants to ‘audition’ via voice-mail?

It’s a hot hiring trend for sales positions and other jobs that call for great verbal skills: Asking job applicants to leave a voice-mail message in which they make their best pitch. Advocates say it’s an effective way to tell right away who has potential — and quickly weed out duds. But is it legal?

Are we required to grant a former employee access to his personnel records?

Q. One of our former employees has requested to see his personnel file. Are we required to allow him ­access to it?

Hispanic workers at higher risk for on-the-job fatalities

A report recently issued by Worksafe, a California advocacy group, found that California Hispanic workers are more than 50% more likely to die at work than non-Hispanic workers.

Court: Discipline OK if disabled worker makes threats

It’s been an open question whether Cali­for­nia’s Fair Employment and Hous­ing Act allows employers to punish a mentally ill employee whose disease makes her act out. Now the answer is clear: You can punish mentally disabled employees for threats or violence against co-workers.

Beat the summer blahs: 9 tips to boost productivity & fun


As the weather warms, the focus and productivity of your employees can sometimes drift. It’s time to create some fun and optimism at work. Think about simple activities that will help employees feel good and interact with each other on a friendly, personal level. Here are ideas to try: