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HR Management

Serious rules violation enough to void unemployment comp

Employers have a right to expect em­­ployees to follow the work rules laid out for them. Employees who are terminated for breaking those rules won’t be eligible for unemployment compensation because it was their fault they were discharged.

Employee alleges hostile environment? Act fast to identify culprits, repair damage


Fortunately for employers, courts measure a hostile work environment against the “reasonable employee” standard. If a reasonable employee would not find the conduct hostile, then it doesn’t matter how intensely a particular employee reacts to allegedly hostile acts. The idea behind the standard is to protect employers from exaggerated claims, especially when it is clear the employer took the allegations seriously and moved to prevent further problems.

Use break room posters to cut legal liability


Employers know they are supposed to provide their employees with in­­­­for­mation about how to handle discrimination or harassment. Most employers put up a poster on a break room bulletin board to outline the process. This simple practice can prove invaluable when an employee tries to use ignorance as an excuse for not complaining right away.

Music in the workplace: Motivator or distractor?

The explosion of iPods, satellite radio and Internet music stations makes it easy for employees to create their own personal soundscape at work. But what’s music to one set of ears is grating noise to another. Here’s what HR needs to consider to strike the right note on workplace music policies.

Secrets of a CEO: 10 things HR needs to know


Ever wonder what your CEO is thinking and what he or she wants from you? Sue Meisinger, a consultant and former CEO of SHRM, has sat on both sides of the CEO/HR fence. Meisinger cites 10 things your CEO will likely never say to you, but you need to understand:

Troy factory faces citations, fines following accident


West Troy Tool & Machine must respond to OSHA charges or pay $250,000 in fines, following a May workplace accident where a worker suffered crushing injuries. OSHA issued a citation for 11 serious safety violations at the plant.

FMLA leave spikes before weekends, holidays? Investigate suspected abuse, fire if warranted


Employees with chronic medical conditions that flare up unpredictably may be entitled to FMLA leave. But that can create scheduling nightmares for employers. And intermittent leave, by its nature, is subject to abuse. After all, an employee on intermittent leave can simply call in and explain his condition is acting up. But that doesn’t mean employers are powerless when they suspect abuse.

5 ways to get your execs and managers to love HR!


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard an executive complain about HR. Why the bad rap? Is it deserved? What’s more, how does HR change it? HR professionals can build positive relationships with the C-Suite and management by following these five steps.

Just looking at the caller ID, you’re already dreading answering the phone. The person on the other end of the line is …

Ouch! Be glad you’re not a vendor—the people HR pros really don’t want to talk to.

All together now: Teaching workers to ‘manage’ their bosses

Pay-for-performance is effective only when managers spell out for each employee exactly what he or she must do to get paid more or reap perks like flexible scheduling. In reality, too few managers do that. They need to know supervision is a two-way street. Solution: Sometimes employees must “manage the boss.”