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HR Management

Your HR career: Think strategically to avoid being ‘outsourced’

Issue: As outsourcing grows and gains popularity, you need to prove your value to the organization.
Benefit: Protect your job and build a reputation as a “big-picture” …

Proving the ROI of wellness programs just got easier


Every employer seems to be jumping on the wellness bandwagon in an effort to curb health care costs. But it’s always been hard for HR to prove its wellness investment is worth it. Reason: the inability to nail down a return on investment (ROI) on wellness programs. Now, a host of new approaches and tools have come to the rescue.

12 tips to scare off Ghosts of Christmas Parties Past

Every year around this time, the Ghost of Christmas Parties Past comes clanking down the hallway, dragging in its wake a chain of dread for employers and employees alike. Here’s advice on hosting a fun—yet legally safe—party this year:

Is it OK to use SSNs as ID numbers?

Q. A few employees have complained that we use their Social Security numbers (SSNs) as their ID numbers. They’re concerned about identity theft. Is it legal to use Social Security numbers for ID purposes?

Do you recommend anti-harassment training?


Q. Our company is considering anti-harassment training for all employees. Some managers and executive are concerned that this will stir up lawsuits. Do you recommend such training?

For kicks: Aon ‘passes it on’ to global colleagues

Employees of HR consulting firm Aon Corp. are kicking three soccer balls across six continents in eight months. The goal: to demonstrate Chicago-based Aon’s global connections among colleagues.

It’s up to you to ensure your employees are retirement-ready

Dealing with an aging, financially unprepared workforce is a reality that should concern employers. It’s in the best interests of employers to improve the re­­tirement outcomes for their employees by creating a culture of retirement readiness. Here’s a six-step plan that works:

Worried about reining in religious tension? Don’t ban all discussion of faith

Some employers ban discussion of religion at work, believing that talking about faith might constitute harassment or coercion of workers who aren’t members of a majority religious group. But such a prohibition can cause more problems than it solves.

10 big benefits ideas from the smallest employers

A report from SHRM and the Families and Work Institute identified dozens of small organizations—those with staffs of 20 or fewer—that think big when it comes to employee benefits and work/life initiatives. Examples of some big ideas:

Quit guessing at training ROI: Use this simple formula instead

Employee training represents an act of faith for many organizations. They know it’s important, but few can quantify the return on investment. Still, HR is pushed to prove that training pays off. Use this formula to prove to senior managers which training produces results and which doesn’t.