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HR Management

10 ways to bring boring meetings back to life


You are in charge of a committee at work that no one seems to care about. Meeting attendance is lackluster, and those who do come rarely speak up. How can you make people feel more engaged? Try these 10 easy-to-implement strategies.

Stop overtime abuse with 4 steps, smart policy


Do your employees understand exactly when they’re allowed to work overtime? Lax overtime rules are wasting billions of dollars at U.S. organizations and triggering more FLSA lawsuits than ever before. Here are four ways to stop unauthorized OT.

Ensure email policy spells out access rules

When it comes to securing em­­ployees’ email accounts against internal hacking, leave nothing to chance. Make it clear that you forbid employees from illegitimately accessing co-workers’ email—and that it’s grounds for dismissal.

Battling the clock? 4 ways to get more done

You’re swimming in emails, phone calls, “quick question” interruptions … and it’s only 10 a.m. How are you every going to get to your real work? Here are some ideas to seize hold of your schedule again.

Real-life HR: How to respond to a garnishment order

Bankruptcies and foreclosures have been making the news for the past four years. But there’s a quieter side effect of the down economy that’s fraught with traps for unwary employers: The concurrent and growing trend of court-ordered or government-issued wage garnishments. Here are the basics you need to know if you receive an order to garnish an employee’s wages.

Dust explosion leads to injuries, OSHA sanctions

OSHA has cited Steeleville-based Gilster-Mary Lee Corp. for safety violations after a dust ex­­plosion severely burned two employees.

Not just a matter of style: Factor safety, liability into dress code

A recent HR Specialist poll found that casual attire is the norm in 88% of our ­readers’ workplaces. But a culture of dressing down doesn’t mean organizations don’t need a dress code. Although you don’t want to restrict your employees’ personal choices unnecessarily, you can set rules that promote a safe and efficient workplace.

5 ways to ramp up employee training

Tap into the power of training and development by trying these five tips. They’ll help you make the most of limited resources, and they’re sure to improve employee skills.

Best defense against harassment complaints: Robust policy and prompt investigations


HR professionals can’t be everywhere at once, making sure no boss ever harasses a subordinate. It will happen, even in the best, most progressive organizations. Protect against such nonsense with a robust anti-harassment policy …

Is etiquette dead? Mind employees’ manners

More corporate training departments are turning into pseudo charm schools. They’re sending employees to business etiquette classes (or hiring personal coaches) to put polish on everything from business correspondence and conversational skills to personal hygiene. At stake: professionalism and credibility.