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HR Management

Boost HR productivity to become a true strategic player


Execs in your organization constantly look for ways to reduce labor costs and improve workforce productivity to keep up with competition. Most likely, those bosses don’t ask your advice … and you don’t give it. To start playing a role in improving productivity, take these steps.

What are California’s rules on employee access to personnel records?

Q. An employee has asked to see his records. How soon do we have to respond?

New California restrictions on employer access to social media info

Amendments to Labor Code Chapter 2.5 implementing AB 1844 took effect Jan. 1. The amendments bar employers from asking employees or job applicants for any social media account information.

New California rules protect employees’ right to wear religious garb

The start of the New Year saw the enactment of several new California employment laws, including one that requires accommodation of employees’ religious dress and grooming needs.

Ensure automatic firing policy is understood

Treating a disabled employee even a little differently than others can spell big trouble. That even applies to seemingly minor differences such as telling one employee in advance about an automatic termination po­­licy, but not informing a disabled employee about the rule.

Bonuses bounce back, with push from the top

Bonuses are back, according to research conducted by the Hay Group. But with a pragmatic nod to today’s austere business environment, employers are taking a hard look at why they’re dishing out variable pay, what they want it to accomplish and how they decide who gets how much.

Severe flu season carries employment law concerns


American businesses are also suffering during this flu season—the worst in dec­­ades. The CDC estimates that seasonal flu outbreaks, on average, cost employers $10.4 billion in direct health care costs and billions more in productivity. But it’s not legally wise to require employees to get a flu shot.

7 mistakes to avoid on LinkedIn

Many professionals are making a lot of mistakes on LinkedIn, says social media expert Alexandra Gibson of OttoPilot Media. Here are seven mistakes you want to avoid:

Can we set different dress codes for each department?


Q. We are a retail company with about 200 employees. We have six different departments. The supervisors are not agreeing on an overall dress code. They wondered if there’s any legal risk in having each department make and follow its own dress code. (Everyone works in the same office space.) 

Inside the C-Suite: 10 CEO secrets HR needs to know


Ever wonder what your CEO is thinking and what he or she wants from you? Sue Meisinger, a consultant and former CEO of SHRM, has sat on both sides of the CEO/HR fence. She shares 10 things your CEO will likely never say to you, but you need to understand.