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HR Management

Who owns the blog: the author or the company?


Q. One of our account managers writes a blog geared toward our clients as a marketing tool. It’s linked to our website and shares our brand identity. All of the content goes through an approval process before posting. If he were to leave the company, could he take the blog with him?

Next year, what steps can we take to protect workers against the flu?

Q. We’ve had so many employee absences due to the flu this year. Next year, can we require all employees to get a flu shot?

March Madness office pool: Ban it or embrace it?

The HR consulting firm Chal­­len­­ger, Gray & Christmas estimates that lost work productivity during the 19-day March Madness tournament will top $1 billion. The real risk, however, comes from compulsive gamblers on your payroll.

Use clear policy to thwart harassment claims

One of the best ways to fight hostile work environment claims: a handbook with a strong sexual harassment policy that shows em­ployees exactly how they should report problems.

Hold bosses accountable for workplace trouble


Here’s an important concept to remember when disciplining managers: They are responsible for what goes on below them on the organization chart, whether they know the details or not. You can and should hold them re­­sponsible for enforcing employment policies.

7 do-it-yourself tips to cut training costs

When companies need to cut corners, one of the first things executives slash is the training budget. When that happens, it’s time for HR to get creative. Here are seven practical cost-cutting tips.

Benefits alert: Health insurance exchange notice requirement postponed

The health care reform law required employers to begin notifying employees on March 1 about the availability of state-based exchanges as an option for buying health insurance. But acknowledging the obvious—that the state exchanges are nowhere near ready to go live—the Department of Labor has temporarily rescinded the notice requirement.

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’13

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

5 steps to help workers develop their skills

Offering employees opportunities to improve their skills ensures they can successfully perform their jobs, and it also keeps them engaged. Follow these steps to create a skills development plan for each employee.

Big spike in I-9 audits: Are your records in order?

The “bold new audit initiative” launched by ICE has yielded a dramatic increase in employer audits, fines and arrests. Employers would be wise to make sure their I-9 forms are in compliance before the ­proverbial knock on the door.