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HR Management

New FMLA regs in effect: Update your military leave policy

In 2008, Congress expanded the FMLA to include two types of military leave: exigency leave and military caregiver leave. In 2010, Congress expanded those leave rights by applying them to the regular armed forces as well as National Guard members and reservists. Now those changes have been officially implemented with new regulations from the DOL.

Combat co-worker harassment with effective policy, prompt action

You can’t prevent all sexual har­­assment, but you can do plenty to avoid liability when it does happen, at least when the harasser is a co-worker. Start with a clear anti-harassment policy, and make sure everyone under­­stands it.

Coming out on top when you mess up

Mistakes can be a valuable learning opportunity and a chance to boost your career, says author and consultant Jay Heinrichs, who recommends these four steps.

When romance blooms at work, be ready with a practical policy

Roughly four out of 10 workers have dated a co-worker, according to a survey by Spherion Corporation. When office romances sour, scorned lovers often sue, alleging that their former lover was a sexual harasser. And even if the lovers are happy, workplace romances can cause problems in the office or on the shop floor. Based on all of these legal risks, should your organization forbid office romances?

The HR I.Q. Test: May ’13

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

Post-injury headaches may leave you on hook indefinitely

If a worker who was hurt at work can find a doctor to testify that subsequent debilitating headaches were caused by the work injury, you can expect to continue making disability payments for a long time.

Think odd employee might benefit from mental exam? Talk to a lawyer first

Let’s face it: Some employees are a bit strange. Sometimes, their behavior may even be an indication of serious mental health problems. But before you rush to demand the employee get counseling or see a doctor, remember that the ADA prohibits such requests unless there is a clear business necessity for the exam.

Spring cleaning: It’s time to freshen up those job descriptions


There’s a good chance that what your employees actually do every day has little in common with what’s written in their job descriptions. That’s a problem. Inaccurate or in­­complete job descriptions can cause legal liability for ­­employers.

Employee documents: What to keep, what to toss

Is the paper piling up in your office and in need of a big spring cleaning? Before managers start tossing documents in the circular file, they need to know which employee-related paperwork must be saved—and for how long.

Should I register for online access so I can monitor employee’s social media activity?

Q. An employee has brought to my attention that another employee seems to be spending much of the workday posting to a social media site … Apparently, the website doesn’t require being someone’s “friend” to see their social media activity. Is it OK if I sign up with the site to monitor his use?