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HR Management

When does a voluntary wellness program become involuntary?

At what point is the financial incentive to participate in a wellness program or the penalty for nonparticipation so great as to render it involuntary? Per­­haps more to the point, how does the EEOC define that tipping point?

Constant badgering about health, weight may be age discrimination

Do you have supervisors who are constantly nagging subordinates about their health, weight, condition and inability to keep up with younger employees? That’s a huge age discrimination red flag that demands immediate action.

The HR I.Q. Test: September ’13

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

Light-fingered workers keep little scholars supplied

Back-to-school season often triggers a spike in office supply theft.

When competition might come from within, keep employees honest

It’s a situation that happens more often than you might think: An em­ployer finds out that one of its em­ployees is preparing to leave and set up her own shop. But is the employer handcuffed, un­able to do anything about the up­start competitor because this employee didn’t sign a noncompe­tition agreement?

Employee represents herself? Be patient

The best approach when faced with an employee who files her own lawsuit without a lawyer’s help is to exercise patience. In almost all cases, a judge will toss out the case as soon as he or she is convinced there’s nothing there.

NLRB, EEOC confidentiality stance muddles investigations


The NLRB and EEOC are actively enforcing the position that a blanket policy requiring confidentiality during investigations violates federal labor and employment law. That means employers must proceed carefully and thoughtfully when making confidentiality requests during investigations.

Balance the pluses and minuses of switching to PTO banks

Some employers have retooled the traditional method of setting paid time off in separate categories by folding vacation, personal or sick leave entitlements into one “bank.”  So-called paid time off (PTO) programs offer benefits for employers and employees alike, but there are some potential pitfalls if you are not careful.

Diversity: It’s not just an HR function anymore

Organization-wide diversity can’t just be the diversity professional’s job or the HR manager’s responsibility. It requires true partnership and participation across functional areas to align efforts that support a shared vision for diversity and inclusion.

Fashion tip for the fall season: Don’t tolerate teasing about clothing

Here’s a warning for your super­­visors and managers: If an em­­ployee complains that other em­­ployees are making fun of his wardrobe choices or other manner of dressing, act fast to stop the teasing.