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HR Management

Can we ban e-cigarettes?

Q. Over the past few months I have been seeing more and more electronic cigarettes in our city. Last week, an employee walked into our office while smoking an electronic cigarette. I’d like to ban their use in our offices. I’ve heard that e-cigarettes are just as addictive as the real things.

What should we do about email still on former employee’s company-issued cellphone?

Q. We give our employees company phones. An employee recently resigned and turned in her phone to her supervisor, in compliance with our technology policy. A week later, it came to my attention that the supervisor had not deleted the departed employee’s email that was still on the phone. A new hire who had been issued the phone could read those messages. What should we do?

Weigh pros, cons of surveillance in wired workplace

As technology becomes more and more intrusive, today’s employees naturally wonder how far their employers can pry. Carefully weigh whether any form of employee surveillance is right for your organization. 

Unclear rules could warrant unemployment benefits

Someone who is fired for breaking a workplace rule isn’t entitled to unemployment benefits. That’s because rule-breaking is misconduct. But if the rule is unclear, all bets are off.

Want to retain employee threatening to quit? Think twice before over-promising

Here’s a warning that may save you time and trouble: If you want to keep an employee who has another job offer, be careful what you promise.

Immediately apply your policy to stop harassment before it escalates

An effective sexual harassment policy that includes prompt investigation of any complaints of physical touching is key to prevailing in a sexual harassment lawsuit. What should your policy include?

How to control your own destiny at work

Looking for a career advantage that’s completely within your control? Take charge of your career path by limiting the influence others have on it. Use these four “don’ts” to stake your claim.

Top 10 countries for developing human capital

Northern and Western European nations account for eight of the 10 top positions in the World Economic Forum’s latest Human Capital Report. The United States ranks 16th in the world.

Making copies of documents won’t replace duty to fill out I-9

There’s no shortcut for completing the Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) form for each new hire, as a Washington state company learned recently.

What should we do about reports that new employee smells of alcohol?

Q. There have been a few reports from co-workers about a new employee smelling of alcohol, although he shows no sign of intoxication. Can we ask him if he has been drinking on duty?