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HR Management

The EEOC Reporting Process

HR Law 101: Don’t hesitate to inform employees about their right to report sexual harassment to the EEOC or a state agency. Your failure to provide information about alternatives to internal reporting won’t prevent employees from seeking redress from a government authority …

Wellness Programs


HR Law 101: Since the 1980s, many employers have adopted the holistic approach to their employees’ well-being. They’ve begun sponsoring activities that encourage workers to improve their health. They see the payoff in higher productivity and lower health care costs …

Does workers’ comp cover injuries an employee suffers at a work-related social event?

Q. Is an employee who injures himself at a ­company-sponsored picnic eligible for workers’ ­compensation?

Fired special needs therapist denied unemployment

A former special needs therapist has lost her bid for unemployment compensation after a supervisor testified that the therapist told students she needed therapy herself because of the way the students behaved. The incident occurred while the supervisor was observing the class.

Beware boss who undermines anti-harassment rules

Here’s a novel situation: What do you do if you learn that someone is undermining a manager or HR director’s efforts to stop sexual harassment by enforcing company rules? If you ignore the manager’s complaint, she may sue the company for allowing sexual harassment to flourish.

Be alert for health, safety whistle-blowing

Here’s a warning for federal government employers: Just about any internal complaint about agency wrongdoing may be protected activity under the Whistleblower Pro­­tec­­tion Act (WPA).

Want staff loyalty? Get a company dog! … and include loyalty in employee training


You may think that employees understand their obligations when they sign noncompete and nonsolicitation agreements designed to prevent them from jumping ship and stealing your clients. Don’t make that assumption. Instead, include loyalty training in your orientation programs.

OSHA launches online whistle-blower complaint form

OSHA now offers whistle-blowers an online complaint form. Until now, whistle-blowers had to either write or call OSHA. The online form is designed to provide workers who have been retaliated against an additional way to reach out for OSHA assistance.

Cellphone usage at work: What’s acceptable?

A new Howard University study finds that 76% of people say checking texts or emails is unacceptable behavior in business meetings.

Progressive Discipline


HR Law 101: The most reliable way to protect your organization from charges of wrongful discharge is to establish and enforce a system of progressive discipline. Make it clear to all your supervisors that they’re expected to abide by your policy …