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HR Management

Litigation moves slowest in Louisiana

Federal civil lawsuits (such as most employment-law cases) take longest to process in Louisiana, according to an analysis by the Scott Vicknair law firm in New Orleans. It’s not even close.

Set resolutions that stick

Follow this advice to set New Year’s resolutions that you actually see through.

Lock her up! Defy DOL investigators, go to jail

A federal court has ordered the owner of a Michigan senior home-care services company to go to prison if she continues to ignore a March 2023 order to provide U.S. Department of Labor investigators with time and pay records.

We tend to like our bosses, mostly

This is either reassuring or disappointing: 55% of American workers say their boss is excellent or very good to work for, according to a newly released report by the Pew Research Center.

How employers can best support grieving caregivers

Over 40 million Americans care for an unwell relative over the age of 50, a responsibility that can take up as much as 50 hours each week. Those responsibilities can have a significant impact on their work, affecting schedules, energy levels and overall sense of well-being.

Reporting HR results: Link initiatives to financial impact

If you’re drafting your department’s goals for 2024 or starting to put together an annual report on this year’s progress, it’s not enough to explain what you did. That won’t cement your role as a strategic partner in your organization. For the top brass to know exactly how valuable HR’s contributions have been, they need to know the financial impact of your initiatives.

Research: Successful change management essential to higher revenue growth

Employers that take a proactive approach to change management drive nearly three times more revenue than those with below-average change effectiveness, according to new research from the Willis Towers Watson consulting firm. WTW also found that a positive employee experience is a key predicator of change-management success.

Senate votes to re-confirm Burrows as EEOC chair

The U.S. Senate voted Nov. 8 to confirm Charlotte A. Burrows to a third term as chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, with the term expiring July 1, 2028.

Pandemic rebound: More on HR’s agenda means more HR influence

Feeling like you’re being asked to do more than you had to three years ago? You’re not alone: 83% of HR leaders surveyed told the Gartner business advisory firm more was expected of them now than in 2020.

DOL guidance: Comply with PUMP Act, even when employees work outdoors

The Department of Labor has prepared compliance guidance for use in agricultural settings, which also work in other outdoor environments.