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HR Management

Can we ban employee appointments during work?

Q. I have an employee who is constantly scheduling appointments during work hours and having to leave. In the past two weeks alone, she missed 27 hours due to appointments. If we cannot restrict appointments outside of work, can I require documentation of appointments?

New incidents to go in the ‘Weirdos at work’ file

CareerBuilder.com recently collected the following examples of odd things managers have observed their employees doing.

How much does that ‘easy’ 20-mile commute cost?

A 20-mile trip each way each day × 250 work days per year × IRS’ standard 56 cents-per-mile operating cost = Your employees are spending a ton of moolah every year driving to and from work.

HRCI to SHRM: You can’t dump me! I’m leaving!

It doesn’t look like this relationship can be saved. The schism between the Society for Human Resource Management and the HR Certification Institute over SHRM’s decision to launch its own certification program was on full display at the SHRM Annual Conference in June in Orlando, Fla.

2 rules to help you overcome the dread of public speaking

Getting stomach butterflies before giving a presentation or leading a training seminar is normal. But when the butterflies turn into sheer dread, it’s time to correct that. Here are two rules to keep in mind to help you become a fearless public speaker.

4 steps to get more from high-potential employees

Many companies are focusing more effort on developing “HiPos,” but simply offering a HiPo program doesn’t guarantee business success.

Plan in advance to weather natural disasters


Smart employers make contingency plans so they can stay up and running even when normal work operations are disrupted. Here are eight key pieces to a crisis-management plan, which you can coordinate with the appropriate departments.

Assault & battery suits an emerging legal risk

While you likely have a grasp on the definition of unlawful harassment and discrimination, have you thought about what constitutes assault and battery in the workplace?

Quotable Quotes: SHRM 2014 Conference

So you weren’t able to make it to the big Society for Human Resource Management annual conference in Orlando this year? No problem. We brought back a big bag of HR wisdom, all arranged in a dozen tweet-sized quotable quotes.

Medical flight service cross-trains all staff

Whether an employee of Angel MedFlight Worldwide Air Ambulance is a pilot, a medic or an HR director, he or she has a working knowledge of all of those jobs.