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HR Management

If a new employee leaves in short order, is there a way to recoup training costs?

Q. Can we require employees to repay the company (through payroll deduction) for training costs if they quit or are fired within one year?

7 steps to protect against electronic sabotage by former employees

With nothing more than a few taps on the keyboard, a vengeful ex-employee can cause far more disruption to the workplace than some of your most vocal employees.

Bring Your Own Device policies: Risks and rewards

Employees are increasingly using their personal electronic devices—laptops, smartphones and tablets—for work purposes. The trend, dubbed “Bring Your Own Device” or “BYOD,” has redefined what it means to be “at work.” Employers jumping on the BYOD bandwagon face several challenges.

The HR I.Q. Test: September ’14

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz.

How long to retain employment records?

Q. I recently discharged some of my employees. How long must I retain their employment records? Are there different rules for electronic records versus paper ones?

Annual EEO-1 survey data due back to EEOC by Sept. 30

It’s time to file your annual EEO-1 survey with the EEOC. If you received a letter in July indicating that you must file an EEO-1 report, you have until Sept. 30 to do so.

Telecommuting not as prevalent as you might think

Only 2.6% of the U.S. workforce (3.3 million people, not including the self-employed or unpaid volunteers) considered home their primary place of work, according to Global Workplace Analytics, a San Diego-based consulting and research firm that focuses on the business case for emerging workplace strategies.

Assess risks before taking on that project


Your boss asks you to head a prestigious project, and you can’t wait to accept. You know that as leader of a high-impact initiative, you can gain visibility and play an increasingly greater role. Just don’t overlook the downside.

5 rules to reclaim your calendar … and your life

Stever Robbins dispenses advice on maximizing your creativity and whipping your email into submission. His book Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More also offers tips on integrating time management and innovation into a coherent system for getting things done.

Half would keep working if they won the lottery

While some may dream of hitting it big and leaving their office behind them, a new study from CareerBuilder suggests that’s not the case for everyone.