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HR Law 101: In 2009, OSHA said it plans to propose a rule requiring employers to report work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in a new column on their Form 300 workplace injury logs. Some believe the move is a precursor to reintroducing ergonomic standards.

Dress Codes


HR Law 101: Workplace dress codes touch on a variety of issues, including workplace safety, freedom of speech, personal hygiene, customer relations, religious freedom, the minimum wage and racial and gender stereotypes. Employers have a number of legitimate reasons for imposing a dress code, but court rulings have limited their options…

Benefits: Should we put details in the employee handbook or the Summary Plan Description?

Q. Should a small business employee handbook include a safe-harbor clause under the benefits section for their 401k plan? In the past, the benefits information in the handbook has been limited because it can change so often. Instead, the handbook just points the employee to the summary plan documents.

Where time gets wasted at work

Today’s knowledge workers spend only 45% of their time on primary job duties. The other 55% is squandered on meetings, email and administrivia. Here’s what workers say causes lost productivity.

What do kids want to be when they grow up?

Good luck trying to recruit the kids these days. A new survey found that they most want to be superheroes and celebrities.

Bring Your Own Disaster? Delete legal risks with a smart BYOD policy

Surveys consistently show that employees who work in a flexible workplace are happier and more productive. As a result, BYOD programs have taken off. BYOD programs do, however, come with greater information security concerns and legal risks.

Mandatory morning stretching reduces stress-related injuries

With hard hats on, Skanska Con­­struc­­tion Group crews all over the country start their day by stretching in 15-minute group exercise classes right on their job sites.

Curb your impatience with teams you lead


Good intentions to spur people to action can often achieve the opposite effect. Team members may buckle under the pressure, rushing through their work and making mistakes. This only makes a bad situation worse.

Beat the chill of an ICE inspection: How to survive an I-9 audit


Could you put your hands on all the necessary records if the auditor came for them today?

How to weather winter, HR’s busiest season

From establishing inclement weather policies to rethinking year-end bonuses, check out our guide to surviving the cold and the unexpected.