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HR Management

Training and development spending ticks up 1%

U.S. employers spend an average of $1,208 per employee on training and development, according to the latest statistics compiled by the Association for Talent Development.

HR pay raises slow down

HR professionals’ sense of job security may be soaring, but their pay is decidedly flat. Median total cash compensation for HR pros—including base salary, bonuses and incentive pay—rose just 2.6% in 2014 after two years of larger gains.

Make it a habit: Review résumé one year after hire

After a year or more of working with someone you hired, you don’t remember much about how they presented them­­selves on their résumé. Ancient history, right? Now’s the time to dig it out of the files.

5 data-breach issues HR must address

Even if you’re not Sony Pictures—embarrassingly hacked last year, allegedly by North Korea—you’re still vulnerable to a data breach that could cripple your organization. A surprising 44% of small businesses have suffered cyber-assaults, according to the National Small Business Association.

New NLRB ruling shows risk of prohibiting ‘loud, disrespectful’ speech

During an all-staff meeting at an Amazon.com warehouse in Arizona, an employee loudly voiced concerns about an on-site safety issue. After the meeting, he was called in the HR office and told he spoke too loudly and disrespectfully, both of which violated company policy. The employee countered by saying he had to speak loudly to be heard—and he objected to Amazon’s heavy-handed response.

HR pros confident about job security in 2015

The number of HR professionals worried about losing their jobs has fallen 10 percentage points since January 2014.

Employee on workers’ comp refuses to take a drug test: Is it legal to terminate him?

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SHRM survey: Top 5 job analysis tools of the trade

About half of the HR professionals recently surveyed by the Society for Human Resource Management said they have participated in at least one formal job-analysis activity. The goal is usually to identify the key tasks employees perform on the job and the skills they need to do their work successfully.

Can work give you high blood pressure?

When a colleague takes credit for your great idea or a boss suddenly moves up a deadline, your blood may feel as if it is boiling. Could such instances give you high blood pressure?

Monday: The most dangerous day of the week at work

Here’s a breakdown of which days seem especially conducive to workplace injuries.