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HR Management

The jobs that drive people to drink (and get high)

Lots of employees enjoy an after-work cocktail, but some jobs either attract people who are prone to more serious consumption or make them more likely abuse alcohol and drugs.

Where managers expect the most job growth to happen

Seventy-two percent of managers are optimistic about their career opportunities this year, up 21 percentage points from 2014. They’re ready to act on that optimism, too—88% said they’re open to new opportunities in 2015.

The HR I.Q. Test: May ’15

Here’s our monthly quiz on your knowledge of HR law, news and issues.

5 HR apps & software programs that won’t break the bank

HR departments with small budgets can turn to a growing variety of free and low-cost mobile and Web-based applications to increase efficiency and cut costs. Here’s a sampling of what’s available.

Increase meeting productivity with apps

Let’s face it: Meetings can be a drag. Get things going at your next meeting with an app. Kit Eaton at the New York Times, suggests six apps to try at your next get-together.

How do we prevent negligent hiring claims?

Q. I recently read an article about employees who were attacked or harassed at work by other employees who never should have been hired in the first place. How can an employer reduce its risk of liability for negligent hiring?

OSHA steps into center ring in unusual accident probe

Most OSHA accident investigations involve fairly mundane workplaces, such as construction sites, factories and farms. But last spring, OSHA investigators were called to look into safety issues in one of the world’s most unusual work environments—the circus.

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More job creation, more worker engagement, more … bartenders?

Montana and North Dakota are locked in a dead heat for states with the most bartenders per capita.

Do nonexempts really need noncompetes?

In recent years, a few employers have begun requiring even nonexempt employees to sign noncompete agreements. It may well be a short-lived trend.