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HR Management

Working well with your fellow team leaders

Without good peer relationships, it’s very difficult to coordinate projects or work cooperatively across team lines. Here’s some expert insight into strengthening yours.

Set clear guidance for promotion applications

Employers can get in big trouble if they try to manipulate promotions so only certain individuals apply. That can happen when promotion opportunities aren’t listed or only a select few learn about them. The legal risk: Even employees who don’t formally apply can sue.

Surge in mail delays delivers potential legal risk

If your HR department relies on timely mailing of compliance documents, take note of a new development.

Tread lightly when talk turns to politics

The real action in the 2016 election is still months away, but political discord is already in mid-campaign form. If water-cooler chatter has been more heated than you would like, you may be tempted to put a gag order on political speech. That’s not a smart move.

Do you have guidance on résumé retention?

Q. How long do we have to retain résumés received in response a job posting? Our HR department has asked if we only have to keep those that were considered for the job or if we must keep every résumé that comes in regardless of whether we look at it.

Why you must track participation in training


In many workplaces, promotions partly depend on completing training sessions or otherwise showing efforts to improve and grow. But some employees won’t make the effort. Of course, that doesn’t mean they won’t sue over missed promotions. That’s why you should be prepared to show which employees took advantage of training opportunities and which employees didn’t.

Worker denied request for harness falls through roof

A construction worker who had previously requested a safety harness while working on a ladder, fell 12 feet through a roof after the employer denied his request.

LinkedIn users: Educated, older and relatively wealthy

Perhaps unsurprisingly, a Pew Research Center survey found that the career-oriented social media platform skews older than such rivals as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. But age isn’t all that marks LinkedIn as a different kind of online territory.

Craft smart policy on use of smartphones

Smartphone technology has simply changed too quickly for many employee handbooks to keep up. What should your strategy be?

How often can employees see their files?

Q. Does Pennsylvania law limit on how frequently employees may review their personnel files?