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HR Management

The HR I.Q. Test: January ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

How to accommodate employees and job applicants with HIV

The EEOC last month published Living with HIV Infection, which explains how employees and applicants are protected from bias and harassment due to their HIV status.

4 resolutions to boost your HR career in 2017

The start of a new year is a great time to focus on self-improvement. We reached out to career experts for their advice on how to achieve four career-enhancing New Year’s resolutions in 2017.

OSHA launches violence prevention in health care site

Noting that health care workers are more than four times more likely than other employees to experience workplace violence, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has launched a new website to help health care providers curtail violence at work.

EEOC launches sign language service for filing bias complaints

Individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing can now communicate directly with EEOC intake officials who are fluent in American Sign Language.

Visa scrutiny could slow business travel

International business travelers entering the United States could spend more time clearing immigration, especially if they have visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan or Syria. That’s because of tighter security measures and new restrictions imposed on the visa waiver program passed in the wake of terrorist attacks on Nov. 13 in Paris and Dec. 2 in California.

Bad-weather absences: When must you pay exempt employees?


The snow’s coming down pretty good and an exempt employee calls to say she can’t make it in today because her car is stuck. Can you deduct a full day’s pay from her salary for that missed day? What if she’s non-exempt? What if you close work because of bad weather? Here’s guidance to help you make the call.

HR challenges include succession, retention

Today’s most critical human capital challenges are employee engagement, developing the next generation of leaders and compensation that improves retention, according to HR professionals responding to a new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’15

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Holidays 2016: When will employers shut their doors?

While the federal government will shut down on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, only 35% of private employers plan to do the same, according to a new Society for Human Resource Management Holiday Schedules 2016 survey.