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HR Management

Visa scrutiny could slow business travel

International business travelers entering the United States could spend more time clearing immigration, especially if they have visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan or Syria. That’s because of tighter security measures and new restrictions imposed on the visa waiver program passed in the wake of terrorist attacks on Nov. 13 in Paris and Dec. 2 in California.

Bad-weather absences: When must you pay exempt employees?


The snow’s coming down pretty good and an exempt employee calls to say she can’t make it in today because her car is stuck. Can you deduct a full day’s pay from her salary for that missed day? What if she’s non-exempt? What if you close work because of bad weather? Here’s guidance to help you make the call.

HR challenges include succession, retention

Today’s most critical human capital challenges are employee engagement, developing the next generation of leaders and compensation that improves retention, according to HR professionals responding to a new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’15

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Holidays 2016: When will employers shut their doors?

While the federal government will shut down on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, only 35% of private employers plan to do the same, according to a new Society for Human Resource Management Holiday Schedules 2016 survey.

HR budgets returning to pre-recession levels

The typical HR department saw its budget rise by 4.2% this year. That’s a slight rise from the past three years, when budget increases ran from 3.6% to 3.9%, but well up from the 2009-2011 recession levels, according to the newly released HR Department Benchmarks and Analysis report from Bloomberg BNA.

Scrutiny of arbitration agreements on the rise

If you require employees to sign arbitration agreements as a condition of employment, expect more questions from them in light of recent media attention.

Detail exact terms for paying out accrued but unused vacation and sick leave

New York Labor Law requires employers to notify employees “in writing or by publicly posting the employer’s policy on sick leave, vacation, personal leave, holidays and hours.” If employers do so, then the written policy governs whether the employee is entitled to payment of unused leave on termination.

OSHA fines to spike by 80%; first increase since 1990

For the first time in 25 years, employers hit by federal workplace safety violations will see an increase in financial penalties, thanks to a little-noticed provision tucked into a budget bill signed by President Obama on Nov. 2.

Managing your old-school ‘to-do’ list

Whether it’s on paper, online or on a smartphone, many people still structure their work and home tasks via to-do lists. But how do you decide which item to tackle first? Use this tried-and-true process to manage competing priorities.