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HR Management

NLRB memo tells regional offices to pinch pennies

Could budget woes be what finally reins in the National Labor Relations Board?

Are your records really ready for inspection?

“I have been a part of many information governance/records management horror stories,” says Braden Perry, litigation, regulatory and government investigations attorney with Kennyhertz Perry, LLC. We asked him for some warning signs that you’re not prepared for your system to be examined at close range.

3 factors to consider when employees use texts for business

They’ve become an important medium for getting work done, so you need a policy that covers how they’re used.

FMLA ‘serious’ health conditions: Who decides and how?

One of the trickiest parts of administering FMLA benefits is figuring out whether an employee’s health condition qualifies for leave. Who makes that decision … and how? Follow these steps to verify and certify an employee’s right to FMLA leave.

Avoid overtime disputes: Do the math right the first time

Overtime: One and one-half times an employee’s regular rate of pay for hours worked over 40 in a work week. Each part of this simple definition carries a lot of baggage

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Can I tell employees they better not vote for a particular political candidate?


Q. With the upcoming presidential elections, conversation among our employees has increased concerning the candidates and their positions on certain issues. I overheard an employee supporting Donald Trump, a candidate who goes against all of my core beliefs. Can I tell him that any employee of mine cannot support Trump?

Military leads way on family-friendly policies

Serving in the military and raising a family haven’t always been compatible, especially during times of international conflict and repeat deployments overseas.

Do you have an e-cigarette policy?

How to tackle “vaping” at work.

FMLA: Notice Requirements

HR Law 101: Employees who want to take FMLA leave must give their employer 30-day advance notice when the need for leave is foreseeable. Employers should respond in writing within five business days to their leave requests …