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HR Management

Control March Madness by setting policy on workplace gambling

In many companies, bracket-pool betting on the tournament is a time-honored tradition. Should you worry?

Get out the vote: Create a voting leave policy

Were you prepared for the elections that just took place in March? Were your employees clear on when they could take time to vote? Make sure you are prepared come November by implementing a policy or scrutinizing your current one. You can encourage voter turnout by implementing a voting-leave policy that shows employees you take the right to vote seriously.

Beware the fine line between insubordinate threats and actual violence

It’s up to HR to keep an eye out for workplace discord that could erupt into violence. Train supervisors to be alert for obvious insubordination. An employee who refuses to follow directions or openly challenges authority other than through reasonable channels may be on the verge of escalating insubordination into violence. In turn, HR should have a plan to intervene, either through appropriate internal discipline or by referring the matter to the police.

Limit liability from data breaches that expose employee info

Imagine this nightmare scenario: You’ve contracted with a vendor to enter personnel data into a new computer system. You hand over confidential employee info, including Social Security numbers, addresses, names of dependents, health records and bank account routing numbers. Then the vendor notifies you that the employee information was somehow stolen. What will you do? It happens more often than anyone would like to admit.

Considering return-to-office mandate? Read this research first

Are your organization’s leaders thinking about ordering staff to return to in-person work after four years of telecommuting? It might pay to consider the findings of a recent study that found that return-to-office mandates generally fail to deliver performance gains. They do alienate employees.

Ask your lawyer: Does California’s pay-data law apply to us?

Hundreds of HR-related state and local laws have a long reach that affects employers with even the slightest connection to the jurisdiction where they originated. You might have to comply if you have just one remote employee working there.

Dread hiring members of Gen Z? Offer training to overcome their shortcomings

Kids these days! According to a new survey by ResumeBuilder.com, three in 10 hiring managers say they try to avoid hiring Generation Z candidates. If Gen Z comes into the workforce lacking the necessary attitudes, aptitudes and skills, then employers will have to train them how to succeed at work.

Washington Watch: NLRB, OSHA in the news

A constitutionality argument against the NLRB and OSHA’s new walkaround rule.

4 metrics for measuring background-screening efficiency

At least 94% of employers perform some kind of background screening on job applicants before they hire. That doesn’t mean all those checks were conducted efficiently. Let’s look at four metrics that companies can use to measure the performance of their background-screening providers.

Learn from Glassdoor’s ‘best places’ winners

In today’s tight labor market, it seems like every employer is vying to hire from the same shrinking pool of potential employees. Yet some organizations have become known as employers of choice, with reputations built on rankings that recognize generous benefits, enlightened management and exemplary corporate cultures. To become known as a best place to work, cultivate these attributes.