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HR Management

10 Steps to Stress-Free, Lawsuit-Free Termination Meetings

Terminating an employee is probably the hardest thing an HR professional has to do—and the most legally dangerous. To handle terminations well, you need to keep calm, communicate your message without escalating the tension and stick to a plan. Here’s a 10-step course of action …

Small words, big results

The little things we say—or don’t say—can make a big difference in employee morale and productivity.

4 ways to ruin a performance evaluation

Help your organization’s supervisors provide better reviews by warning them away from these common mistakes.

OSHA update: Hazard alerts, silica rule and other priorities

Here are some of the highlights from the OSHA head’s chat with the oil and gas servicing industry.

The HR I.Q. Test: April ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

How to comply with new DOL rules on anti-union ‘persuaders’


A new Department of Labor rule will limit employers’ ability to use “persuaders” to convince workers to resist union organizing efforts, critics say.

Online shopping doesn’t bar unemployment comp

Are your workplace rules on Internet usage vague? Then firing an employee for shopping online or other wasted time may not bar unemployment compensation benefits in Pennsylvania.

Guard sues after inmate swipes his SSN

A guard at Lewisburg Federal Peni­­ten­­tiary has sued the Justice Depart­­ment after a federal inmate obtained his Social Security number and other personal data through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Back up subjective performance-review assessments with concrete examples

When it comes to evaluating employees, supervisors and managers sometimes rely too much on subjective measures. Some employees allege that such generalizations are merely a way to cover up bias.

Fixing mistakes in your I-9 forms? How to do it legally

Many of the I-9 forms in your files are just screaming for attention.