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HR Management

Snapshot: Female managers are most engaged

Only about a third of all employees are engaged on the job.

4 steps to prevent in-house fraud & theft

HR must watch out for one of the most unexpected and insidious fiscal perils: employees who steal.

Is it legal for us to ban all guns at work?

Q. Many of our employees bring their hunting rifles and shotguns to work, especially on Fridays during hunting season. We generally prohibit guns or other weapons in the workplace. Can we stop employees from bringing their guns to work?

What can we do? We suspect one of our employees is often drunk at work

Q. We have an employee who often appears to be inebriated at work. Can we require that he take an alcohol test? Can we require that he get into a rehab program to keep his job?

OSHA goes through roof over repeat violations in upstate New York

A Syracuse roofing contractor faces fines of more than $96,000 following an OSHA worksite inspection in Camillus.

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Because I’m happy! Most of us enjoy our work

Everyone wants to be happy at work, but it varies by an employee’s job and field, among other factors.

Drug testing still legal under new OSHA reporting rule

A controversial new OSHA rule cracking down on retaliation against safety whistleblowers doesn’t ban employee drug testing.

Can I really not smoke in my own office?

Q. I recently relocated my business to California from a foreign country. I heard that I am not allowed to smoke in my office. Is this true?

Practical advice for better HR records management

Here’s advice on controlling record storage costs and ensuring business continuity if records are compromised.