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HR Management

Routinely log phone calls coming into HR


HR professionals should document all phone calls received from applicants or employees and include a brief summary of the outcome. That way, should someone later claim no one answered or returned a phone call, you have a way to counter the allegation.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’17


Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Require identical hiring process for all applicants


Informal employment inquiries can sometimes lead to failure-to-hire lawsuits. The best way to avoid such litigation is to set up a clear application process and tell all potential applicants that this is the only way they can apply.

Court: Personal political tweet isn’t misconduct

Unless an employee directly identifies her affiliation with her employer, most social media posts and tweets don’t violate company policies. Therefore, a state court recently concluded, they don’t constitute misconduct.

California expands requirements for anti-harassment training


In October, Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 396 into law, expanding the subjects that must be covered in California’s mandatory sexual harassment training for supervisors.

It’s an epidemic! More workers fake being sick


Just don’t feel like going into work today? You’re not alone, but be careful what you tell the boss. They’ve heard all the excuses.

OSHA electronic reporting delayed


 E-reporting for organizations with 250 or more employees was to have begun Dec. 1, but the compliance deadline has been pushed back to Dec. 15. 

SHRM certs surpass 100K


More than 106,000 HR practitioners have received the Society for Human Resource Management’s certified professional and senior certified professional credentials since they were created in January 2015.

Respond as soon as employee complains about hostile environment


When an employer responds to a complaint with an investigation and almost immediately fixes the problem, the lawsuit probably won’t go far.

Location affects employers’ likelihood of being sued


A new study of employment practices disputes and litigation by Hiscox insurance researchers found that businesses in Washington, D.C., Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico and California face the highest risk of being sued by their employees when compared to the national average.