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HR Management

Survey: Three-quarters of us are tired on the job

Drained at your desk? You’re not alone. Recent research from staffing firm Accountemps suggests feeling worn out at work is a common occurrence among U.S. employees.

8 million new jobs by 2023, but mid-market misses out

The U.S. is expected to add 8,310,003 jobs from 2018 to 2023. That represents a 5% growth rate.

Lessons from the Courts: October ’18

It might be a good practice to regularly check all your emergency exit doors to ensure that people can escape through them in the event of a fire or other emergency.

Excavator will have to dig deep to pay for safety lapses

El Paso Underground Construction has been cited for failing to protect its employees from trench-collapse hazards.

How to handle requests for religious time off

It’s perfectly legitimate to require employees to request religious leave well in advance. If you have a process to ask for time off for other kinds of leave, use it for handling requests for religious leave, too.

3 good ways to begin your workday, 3 good ways to end it

Want to reach a higher state of calm and efficiency? Frame that long difficult shift with completely positive vibes.

Disability: Beware docking attendance points

Policies designed to encourage regular attendance often use a point system to determine when employees who miss work will receive discipline. But that simplicity may create legal problems.

Gig economy: 1% of workers get their assignments from an app

More than 1.5 million Americans work gig economy jobs in which their assignments come to them via computer or cell phone apps, according to new research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Snapshot: How satisfied are we with job security?

American workers are confident that they won’t lose their jobs anytime soon.

The HR I.Q. Test: October ’18

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.