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HR Management

5 apps to run meetings more efficiently

“We could have wrapped this meeting up with an email,” is a phrase often uttered by exasperated employees whose productivity has taken a hit after spending a part of their working day stuck in meetings. Here is a list of five apps that can assist with hosting a successful and productive one.

Audit training to identify possible discrimination

Make sure your training programs don’t discriminate, especially if promotions and pay raises depend on training.

Employee death triggers $422K fine for Dallas contractor

RKM Utility Services faces $422,006 in fines from OSHA after one of its employees died from hydrogen sulfide gas exposure on a company worksite.

Have a hotline? Take all complaints seriously

Most employers have heard that setting up a hotline so employees can report discrimination will help them defend against lawsuits later. But that hotline can also bite the employer if it doesn’t take complaints seriously and try to fix reported problems.

Snapshots: Percentage of college-educated U.S. citizens and immigrants

About one-third of Americans and immigrants age 25 and older have at least a bachelor’s degree.

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’19

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

55% negotiated pay on their latest job offer

Today’s job seekers are confident in their bargaining power, suggests new research from global staffing firm Robert Half.

Snapshot: U.S. has the most college-educated immigrants

Thirty-six percent of America’s foreign-born residents age 25 and older have at least a college degree.

NYC is first to ban bias on the basis of hairstyles

The New York City Commission on Human Rights has issued guidance making clear that the city considers discrimination on the basis of someone’s hairstyle to be a subset of race discrimination.

No-fighting rule? Punish combatants equally

You probably have a rule against any form of violence in the workplace. Make sure you uniformly discipline everyone involved in any altercation.