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HR Management

Inexperienced youngsters make up more of workforce

A surging economy has brought more young people into the workforce.

New OSHA record rules won’t stop controversy

In January, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration made official several documentation changes it had announced in July 2018. Affected were OSHA forms used to record workplace injuries and illnesses.

The HR I.Q. Test: April ’19

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

OSHA fines, criminal charges after Manhattan crane plunge

A Missouri company working on an East Harlem construction project last year face OSHA fines after a small crane tumbled out of a fourth-floor window, critically injuring three workers.

Beware unreasonably tight deadlines for filing internal reports of sexual harassment

The EEOC believes overly strict time limits tend to discourage reporting and absolve supervisors of responsibility for reporting. Plus, it may embolden harassers to repeat their harassment or escalate it.

Opioid crisis affects three out of four employers

Seventy-five percent of U.S. employers have been directly affected by opioids but only 17% feel extremely well prepared to deal with the issue, according to a survey released in March by the National Safety Council.

HR comm practices raise information security risks

Confidential employee information may be at risk because HR pros regularly use insecure technology to share it.

Worried automation kills jobs? Think again

In late 2017, the McKinsey Global Institute released a report estimating that automation could eliminate up to 73 million jobs in the U.S. by 2030. A growing chorus of skeptics is proclaiming: We don’t buy it!

The ‘silver bullet’ reason to make your employee handbook electronic

We all know that an employee handbook confined to paper form can be tedious and expensive to update, but the reasons to consider a switch to an electronic format go far beyond cost and time considerations. “I really can’t emphasize one thing enough,” employment law attorney Anniken Davenport told a webinar audience in January, “which is that a properly implemented electronic version will allow management to track which employee accessed which section of the handbook, and when.”

Lawsuit alert: Beware disciplining for infractions of seldom-enforced rules

Sometimes, supervisors get frustrated with workers they consider trouble makers because they complain all the time. Those bosses need to think twice before they retaliate by strictly enforcing work rules—especially if they have often ignored those rules in the past.