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The HR I.Q. Test: March ’19

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

55% negotiated pay on their latest job offer

Today’s job seekers are confident in their bargaining power, suggests new research from global staffing firm Robert Half.

Snapshot: U.S. has the most college-educated immigrants

Thirty-six percent of America’s foreign-born residents age 25 and older have at least a college degree.

NYC is first to ban bias on the basis of hairstyles

The New York City Commission on Human Rights has issued guidance making clear that the city considers discrimination on the basis of someone’s hairstyle to be a subset of race discrimination.

No-fighting rule? Punish combatants equally

You probably have a rule against any form of violence in the workplace. Make sure you uniformly discipline everyone involved in any altercation.

Find out if your website is accessible to the disabled; such lawsuits tripled in 2018

For employers, part of complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act involves making their workplace accessible to disabled customers. But if you serve the public online, the ADA also requires you to make changes to your virtual workplace.

Harassment training has changed in the #MeToo era

The #MeToo movement has resulted in a sharp increase in the number of employers doing preventative training to head off sexual harassment claims, says a Bloomberg Law report.

Millennials are the best-educated generation

Almost four in 10 millennials between age 25 and 37 have at least a bachelor’s degree.

Violence prevention resources for employers

Several federal agencies offer helpful violence prevention resources for employers.

8 signs point to potential workplace violence

Dennis Davis, a former police SWAT team liaison who now directs client training for the employment law firm Ogletree Deakins, urges being alert for workers who display any of these eight warning signs of violent behavior.