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HR Management

Ensure policy spells out exactly how employees should report allegations of sexual harassment

You will probably survive a harassment lawsuit if you trained all employees how to use the policy and followed up with discipline whenever an investigation uncovered harassment.

48% dated a co-worker, causing 4% to lose jobs

Reboot Digital Marketing recently surveyed 2,446 employees to learn the extent of intramural romance at work. It’s probably no surprise that it’s pretty common.

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’19

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

California sexual harassment prevention training deadline extended

Employers now have until Jan. 1, 2021, to comply with the sexual harassment training requirements.

U.S. among leading nations for telecommuting

Forty-three percent of U.S. employers offer a remote work option, according to a new study conducted by Condeco Software.

Take proactive steps to deal with threat of workplace violence

Employers have a legal obligation to protect employees from harm at work, and that includes keeping them safe from the threat of violence in the workplace.

Clear rules and good records essential

Employers that have clear rules showing exactly what they expect from employees have a huge leg up if they are sued for discrimination.

Co-worker relationships: The key to staff well-being

A new Myers-Briggs survey says employees’ relationships with co-workers is the number one contributor to their well-being at work.

Lawsuit over promotion she never applied for

Usually, employees must actually apply for a job before they can sue for not being promoted. Generally, just telling a supervisor that one is interested in the idea of a promotion isn’t enough, either. However, that doesn’t mean someone always has to formally fill out an application.

Watch out for AI software’s hidden hiring risks

Artificial intelligence sounds like it could be hiring’s Holy Grail: A completely automated system that maximizes application-sorting efficiency, minimizes HR labor and reduces the chance that bias could taint the hiring process. If only. Despite its great potential, AI carries liability risks that HR pros must understand.