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HR Management

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’20

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

‘Future proof’ your workforce: Hire for today, upskill for tomorrow

In this vice-tight labor market, employers cannot afford to simply hire workers based on skill and then hope they grow based on the experience they gain.

CROWN: After Oscars, hairstyle laws heat up

“Hair Love,” winner of the 2020 Academy Award in the Best Animated Short Film category, has shined a spotlight on legislation that affects employers’ grooming policies.

Flu could cost employers $13 billion this year

Never mind the COVID-19 coronavirus that has dominated headlines for weeks. Old-fashioned influenza could wind up dealing a knock-out blow to employers this year, with a price tag that could exceed $13 billion.

Snapshot: Jobs that don’t require a college degree

Only 35% of jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree, while 30% require some college or an associate’s degree.

With EEOC on a roll, enforce your policies

The EEOC has been active recently, addressing a wide variety of workplace harassment and discrimination cases. Here’s a sampling.

Comply with the law when requiring employees to work overtime

In general, employers have the right to require employees to work overtime, as long as they are properly paid for the additional hours. However, that right is not unlimited.

OK to expect better behavior from managers

While a subordinate might be excused for a minor rule breach, his supervisor could legitimately be disciplined for breaking the same rule. Just make sure your handbook outlines this greater expectation.

OSHA publishes coronavirus guidance for employers

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has launched a web page full of links to help employers handle the coronavirus outbreak.

Snapshot: What do applicants lie about on their résumés?

36% of respondents to a recent survey said they had lied on a résumé.