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HR Management

Employers get high marks on handling coronavirus

Companies are rising to the occasion to navigate the pandemic, new research from staffing firm Robert Half shows.

Snapshot: Has the pandemic affected plans for spending on HR technology?

More than half of employers may change how much they spend on HR technology solutions in the wake of the coronavirus.

Applicant demands reflect lower expectations

In a February 2020 survey of upcoming college grads, 75% said they were not open to temporary roles and 80% wouldn’t accept part-time work. What a difference three months and a global pandemic make.

Return-to-work steps will prevent contact, exposure

When employers reopen their workplaces and get back to business, they will rely on a combination of physical barriers, sanitation and testing to ensure employees and customers aren’t sickened by the coronavirus, according to polling by the Mercer consulting firm.

EEOC: CDC safety guidelines don’t violate ADA

Employers are free to ask employees and job applicants if they have symptoms of COVID-19, screen them for illness and make them stay home if they test positive, according to the EEOC.

#MeTooLate? Policy change won’t always stop lawsuits

When the #MeToo movement exposed pervasive sexual harassment in corporate America, the board of directors at McDonald’s implemented anti-harassment policies that went far beyond what the law requires. Too bad that wasn’t enough to prevent what could prove to be a massive harassment lawsuit.

Beware retaliation following OSHA complaint

The Occupational Safety and Health Act affords great protection to employees who report dangerous working conditions to the authorities. That has become an issue in the coronavirus era—and a potentially significant source of liability for employers who continue to operate as usual.

COVID-19 considered an OSHA-reportable illness

If an employee comes down with COVID-19 as a result of exposure to the coronavirus at work, employers must report it to OSHA, the agency has announced.

Referee a dispute: 3 tactics

Here are several behaviors and tactics you can use when you need to step in and help settle a dispute.

Apologize accurately and effectively

Business school professor Maurice E. Schweitzer suggests five kinds of statements you can combine as needed to create an apology that fits the situation.