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Telecommuting not as prevalent as you might think

Only 2.6% of the U.S. workforce (3.3 million people, not including the self-employed or unpaid volunteers) considered home their primary place of work, according to Global Workplace Analytics, a San Diego-based consulting and research firm that focuses on the business case for emerging workplace strategies.

Executives: America’s new economic-inequality softies

U.S. executives are more likely than Americans in general to believe that rising economic equality is a problem, according to a new poll by Harris Interactive.

What’s stressing out your colleagues and employees?

Forty-nine percent of Americans surveyed earlier this year reported that they had experienced a “major stressful event” in the preceding 12 months, and work was the leading non-health-related stressor.

How much does that ‘easy’ 20-mile commute cost?

A 20-mile trip each way each day × 250 work days per year × IRS’ standard 56 cents-per-mile operating cost = Your employees are spending a ton of moolah every year driving to and from work.

Was college worth it?

For working Millennials—currently ages 18 to 32—it may be too soon to see the payoff, but Gen X’ers and baby boomers overwhelmingly believe they got their money’s worth from going to college.

Which U.S. city is best for growing a small business?

No surprise, tech’s hometown of San Jose, Calif., is where small business is thriving the most, based on a Biz2Credit survey of annual revenues, credit scores and business longevity.

Use split-sample tests to gain backing for HR

Say you want to implement a new training program for sales reps. But every time you propose a new HR initiative like this, executives question whether it can work or say the company can’t afford it. Next time, take a different approach: split-sample testing.

Track the HR metrics that really matter

You probably track several HR-related numbers, but are you sure you’re tracking the right ones? Here are some of the more common metrics that experts say HR professionals should know how to track.

4 steps to link variable pay with performance

Bonuses are back, according to research conducted by the Hay Group. But with a pragmatic nod to today’s austere business environment, employers are taking a hard look at why they’re dishing out variable pay, what they want it to accomplish and how they decide who gets how much.

Bonuses bounce back, with push from the top

Bonuses are back, according to research conducted by the Hay Group. But with a pragmatic nod to today’s austere business environment, employers are taking a hard look at why they’re dishing out variable pay, what they want it to accomplish and how they decide who gets how much.