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Men finally regain jobs lost in Great Recession

Men have recovered all of the jobs they lost in the recession and now hold more jobs than at their pre-recession peak, according to an Institute for Women’s Policy Research analysis of the December employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Tenure in the 21st century: Employees are staying put

Employee tenure—the average length of time someone has spent working continuously for the same employer—has risen steadily since the turn of the century.

Older workers most engaged, youngest not so much

Your oldest workers are probably the most engaged in their work, according to a new Gallup poll. So-called traditionalists—born before 1946—are most likely to be “involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace,” Gallup’s definition of engagement.

What makes employees late for work?

Asked by CareerBuilder.com what caused them to straggle in late, 3,000 U.S. employees most often blamed slow traffic and oversleeping.

JOLTS report shows details of economic recovery


The unemployment rate—now 5.7%, compared to 10% in October 2009—is one measure of how well the economy is rebounding. But labor economists often note that the unemployment rate is something of a statistical blunt instrument that fails to capture the nuances of what’s really happening in the job market. Economists increasingly turn to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Job Opening and Labor Turnover Survey to spotlight the detail in the broader employment picture.

How many baby boomers are still working?

The first baby boomers reached retirement age five years ago, and now they’ve started leaving the workforce in droves.

Poll: Women qualified for top jobs but are held back

Women are perfectly capable of succeeding in senior executive jobs, but factors largely beyond their control have kept them from achieving more corporate success. That’s the attitude pollsters at the Pew Research Center uncovered when they asked 1,835 randomly selected adults what keeps more business women from holding leadership positions.

More employers planning to add staff in 2015

More than one-third of employers expect to add full-time, permanent employees in 2015, the best outlook CareerBuilder’s annual job forecast has predicted since 2006.

SHRM survey: Top 5 job analysis tools of the trade

About half of the HR professionals recently surveyed by the Society for Human Resource Management said they have participated in at least one formal job-analysis activity. The goal is usually to identify the key tasks employees perform on the job and the skills they need to do their work successfully.

Americans have 2½ hours for leisure each day

The average American spends more than 16 hours either working or sleeping, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s American Time Use Survey.